Unfortunately the "Desired solution" here seems to contradict itself.
I agree with Lars and John that volume should be system-wide: "changes made to the volume control in the Unity Greeter should carry through to the logged in session and vice versa". That's unfortunate if one of your family is hard of hearing and the rest are not: you'll often be changing the volume when switching users, same as you have to with a shared TV or radio. But the alternative would be more common and worse: you'd mute sound in the session, only for startup or login screen sounds to wake everyone or scare the cat. And while on a PC it might be just annoying, on a phone it would seem especially silly to have one volume setting for the lock screen and one volume setting for everything else.
But apply that to the example given. User B logs in, mutes the sound, and locks or logs out; the login screen now has muted sound too. User A logs in, sets the volume to 100%, and locks or logs out; the login screen now has volume 100% too. User B returns and selects themselves in the login screen. What, then, would be the point of "the sound indicator [changing] to display the muted state"? After all, when B finishes logging in, they'll have volume of 100%!
Unfortunately the "Desired solution" here seems to contradict itself.
I agree with Lars and John that volume should be system-wide: "changes made to the volume control in the Unity Greeter should carry through to the logged in session and vice versa". That's unfortunate if one of your family is hard of hearing and the rest are not: you'll often be changing the volume when switching users, same as you have to with a shared TV or radio. But the alternative would be more common and worse: you'd mute sound in the session, only for startup or login screen sounds to wake everyone or scare the cat. And while on a PC it might be just annoying, on a phone it would seem especially silly to have one volume setting for the lock screen and one volume setting for everything else.
But apply that to the example given. User B logs in, mutes the sound, and locks or logs out; the login screen now has muted sound too. User A logs in, sets the volume to 100%, and locks or logs out; the login screen now has volume 100% too. User B returns and selects themselves in the login screen. What, then, would be the point of "the sound indicator [changing] to display the muted state"? After all, when B finishes logging in, they'll have volume of 100%!
I've updated the spec to define volume and sound output as global settings. <https:/ /wiki.ubuntu. com/Sound? action= diff&rev2= 104&rev1= 103>