Comment 3 for bug 664088

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Jarl (jarl-dk) wrote :

@Alan, you may be right from a bug-fixers point of view. But things look different from a bug-reporters point of view. I consider it quite dis-respectful to the bug reporter. Quite some time and effor is spent to make good valuable bug reports (here among searching for existing identical bugs), if this effort is not respected bug repporters wil most likely not put so much effort into the process in the future since the effort (searching for existing identical bugs) is (apparently) not valued and respected anyway.

Marking a bug as duplicate sends two messages to the bug reporter:
1) Your effor tin reporting the bug has been waste of your time, since another person have reported the same issue.
2) You have waste the time of bug-fixers (by not searching for identical bug) because they have spent time on identifying it as a duplicate.

Tell me. Why would I ever want to search for previously reported bugs of identical issue if nobody (no other bug reporters) else does, and nobody (no bug-fixers) really cares if I do it or not?
