Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: "Zuul (22348)" Branch: stable/xena
commit 6d3722c2e9857a738e5b0f07172052d92b83f771 Author: Frode Nordahl <email address hidden> Date: Wed Feb 23 14:48:11 2022 +0100
Fix use of ``openstack-release`` to determine codename
The current code will oportunisticly attempt to install the ``openstack-release`` package, but it does so without configuring the UCA sources.
Attempt to configure sources to avoid charms getting stuck in a chicken and egg situation.
Closes-Bug: #1951462 Change-Id: I8ed6e2dfc7ce83c2e56fd072458e2ef189968e41 (cherry picked from commit 55cc044ea8a3e15cc87cdef132d852f0f2c98e97)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/c/openstack /charms. openstack/ +/851539 /opendev. org/openstack/ charms. openstack/ commit/ 6d3722c2e9857a7 38e5b0f07172052 d92b83f771
Committed: https:/
Submitter: "Zuul (22348)"
Branch: stable/xena
commit 6d3722c2e9857a7 38e5b0f07172052 d92b83f771
Author: Frode Nordahl <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Feb 23 14:48:11 2022 +0100
Fix use of ``openstack- release` ` to determine codename
The current code will oportunisticly attempt to install the -release` ` package, but it does so without configuring
the UCA sources.
Attempt to configure sources to avoid charms getting stuck in a
chicken and egg situation.
Closes-Bug: #1951462 c2e56fd072458e2 ef189968e41 cc87cdef132d852 f0f2c98e97)
Change-Id: I8ed6e2dfc7ce83
(cherry picked from commit 55cc044ea8a3e15