Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Zuul Branch: master
commit 101b7f370dfd4de156a259fdf380a47e305c9bde Author: David Ames <email address hidden> Date: Fri Apr 10 09:48:44 2020 -0700
Only run DB/user creation on relation data change
Before this change DB and user creation methods were called on every hook execution after <interface>.available was established.
This change checks for both endpoint.<interface>.changed and <interface.available> before running DB and user creation methods.
It also validates that the creation of DB and users succeeded before clearing the endpoint.<interface>.changed flag.
Closes-Bug: #1871958 Change-Id: I20f2eabbf622b44be31742678ffd9724b1e00c8a
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/719106 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ charm-mysql- innodb- cluster/ commit/ ?id=101b7f370df d4de156a259fdf3 80a47e305c9bde
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: master
commit 101b7f370dfd4de 156a259fdf380a4 7e305c9bde
Author: David Ames <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Apr 10 09:48:44 2020 -0700
Only run DB/user creation on relation data change
Before this change DB and user creation methods were called on every .available was established.
hook execution after <interface>
This change checks for both endpoint. <interface> .changed and available> before running DB and user creation methods.
It also validates that the creation of DB and users succeeded before <interface> .changed flag.
clearing the endpoint.
Closes-Bug: #1871958 4be31742678ffd9 724b1e00c8a
Change-Id: I20f2eabbf622b4