Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Zuul Branch: master
commit 7cbf9a88b001d73d290bb123f5bba010f51319b3 Author: David Ames <email address hidden> Date: Wed May 13 11:37:31 2020 -0700
Scale in and scale out
Handle adding and removing units of the mysql-innodb-cluster gracefully.
Review and land:
Closes-Bug: #1874479 Closes-Bug: #1877546 Closes-Bug: #1877616 Depends-On: Ie658c42b095bcff822cdfb0b771d41704ddc85ea Change-Id: I39210c760e7204f84365d5dcb4eeedbc0889041f
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/728587 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ charm-mysql- innodb- cluster/ commit/ ?id=7cbf9a88b00 1d73d290bb123f5 bba010f51319b3
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: master
commit 7cbf9a88b001d73 d290bb123f5bba0 10f51319b3
Author: David Ames <email address hidden>
Date: Wed May 13 11:37:31 2020 -0700
Scale in and scale out
Handle adding and removing units of the mysql-innodb- cluster gracefully.
Review and land: /github. com/openstack- charmers/ zaza/pull/ 353 /github. com/openstack- charmers/ zaza-openstack- tests/pull/ 275
Closes-Bug: #1874479 f822cdfb0b771d4 1704ddc85ea f84365d5dcb4eee dbc0889041f
Closes-Bug: #1877546
Closes-Bug: #1877616
Depends-On: Ie658c42b095bcf
Change-Id: I39210c760e7204