ovn service agent lost for 20.04 + Ussuri deployment

Bug #2070332 reported by Zhanglei Mao
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone

Bug Description

In my all 4 deployments, one of host was not listed in "openstack network agent list" and launch VM on this host would fail, the most related effor info is:

  Error executing command: ovsdbapp.backend.ovs_idl.idlutils.RowNotFound: Cannot
   find Chassis_Private with name=nc7.maas

The lost host was random and to redeploy after remove this node can fix.

description: updated
Revision history for this message
Zhanglei Mao (zhanglei-mao) wrote (last edit ):

  ovn-chassis: #pure ovn nodes
      ? ''
      : oam-space
      certificates: internal-space
      data: oam-space
    channel: 22.03/stable
    charm: ovn-chassis
      bridge-interface-mappings: br-provider:bond1
      ovn-bridge-mappings: physnet1:br-provider physnet2:br-provider
      enable-dpdk: False
      prefer-chassis-as-gw: True
  ovn-chassis-dpdk: #for dpdk+ovn nodes
      ? ''
      : oam-space
      certificates: internal-space
      data: oam-space
    channel: 22.03/stable
    charm: ovn-chassis
      enable-dpdk: True
      #dpdk-bond-config: ":balance-tcp:active:fast" #default&recommend
      ovn-bridge-mappings: physnet2:br-provider
      bridge-interface-mappings: br-provider:dpdk-bond1
      dpdk-bond-mappings: >
        dpdk-bond1:xxxx # hiddened
      dpdk-driver: vfio-pci #
      dpdk-socket-cores: 2 #charm default is 1 per NUMA
      dpdk-socket-memory: 2048 #charm default is 1G per NUMA;

Revision history for this message
Zhanglei Mao (zhanglei-mao) wrote (last edit ):

The pure ovn (not dpdk) also happened for agent lost

Revision history for this message
Zhanglei Mao (zhanglei-mao) wrote :

The /varlog for 2 hosts ( one got agent lost and one is normal) can be found at google driver at

description: updated
Revision history for this message
Zhanglei Mao (zhanglei-mao) wrote :

In my latest deployment, the nc7 was lost. The agent list output picture is attached.

description: updated
Revision history for this message
Zhanglei Mao (zhanglei-mao) wrote (last edit ):

It might be related but fixing have been there.
  python3-neutron 2:16.4.2-0ubuntu6.4

Revision history for this message
Zhanglei Mao (zhanglei-mao) wrote (last edit ):

The nuetron-ovn-metadata-agnet log, it seems the lost one run privsep helper before ovsdbapp.backend.ovs_idl.vlog connected.

agent lost
2024-06-20 23:58:31.604 721363 INFO ovsdbapp.backend.ovs_idl.vlog [-] ssl: connecting...
2024-06-20 23:58:31.604 721364 INFO ovsdbapp.backend.ovs_idl.vlog [-] ssl: connecting...
2024-06-20 23:58:31.606 721294 INFO oslo.privsep.daemon [-] Running privsep helper: ['sudo', '/usr/bin/neutron-rootwrap', '/etc/neutron/rootwrap.conf', 'privsep-helper', '--config-file', '/etc/neutron/neutron.conf', '--config-file', '/etc/neutron/neutron_ovn_metadata_agent.ini', '--privsep_context', 'neutron.privileged.default', '--privsep_sock_path', '/tmp/tmpm2hdkfkn/privsep.sock']
2024-06-20 23:58:31.607 721364 INFO ovsdbapp.backend.ovs_idl.vlog [-] ssl: connected
2024-06-20 23:58:31.607 721363 INFO ovsdbapp.backend.ovs_idl.vlog [-] ssl: connected
2024-06-20 23:58:31.624 721363 INFO eventlet.wsgi.server [-] (721363) wsgi starting up on http:/var/lib/neutron/metadata_proxy
2024-06-20 23:58:31.624 721364 INFO eventlet.wsgi.server [-] (721364) wsgi starting up on http:/var/lib/neutron/metadata_proxy
2024-06-20 23:58:32.193 721294 INFO oslo.privsep.daemon [-] Spawned new privsep daemon via rootwrap
2024-06-20 23:58:32.115 727744 INFO oslo.privsep.daemon [-] privsep daemon starting

agent ok
2024-06-20 23:58:43.035 725507 INFO neutron.agent.ovn.metadata.ovsdb [-] Getting OvsdbSbOvnIdl for MetadataAgent with retry
2024-06-20 23:58:43.036 725426 INFO ovsdbapp.backend.ovs_idl.vlog [-] ssl: connecting...
2024-06-20 23:58:43.036 725507 INFO ovsdbapp.backend.ovs_idl.vlog [-] ssl: connecting...
2024-06-20 23:58:43.036 725506 INFO ovsdbapp.backend.ovs_idl.vlog [-] ssl: connecting...
2024-06-20 23:58:43.040 725426 INFO ovsdbapp.backend.ovs_idl.vlog [-] ssl: connected
2024-06-20 23:58:43.041 725506 INFO ovsdbapp.backend.ovs_idl.vlog [-] ssl: connected
2024-06-20 23:58:43.041 725507 INFO ovsdbapp.backend.ovs_idl.vlog [-] ssl: connected
2024-06-20 23:58:43.058 725506 INFO eventlet.wsgi.server [-] (725506) wsgi starting up on http:/var/lib/neutron/metadata_proxy
2024-06-20 23:58:43.059 725507 INFO eventlet.wsgi.server [-] (725507) wsgi starting up on http:/var/lib/neutron/metadata_proxy
2024-06-20 23:58:43.061 725426 INFO oslo.privsep.daemon [-] Running privsep helper: ['sudo', '/usr/bin/neutron-rootwrap', '/etc/neutron/rootwrap.conf', 'privsep-helper', '--config-file', '/etc/neutron/neutron.conf', '--config-file', '/etc/neutron/neutron_ovn_metadata_agent.ini', '--privsep_context', 'neutron.privileged.default', '--privsep_sock_path', '/tmp/tmpsn2mij4d/privsep.sock']
2024-06-20 23:58:43.653 725426 INFO oslo.privsep.daemon [-] Spawned new privsep daemon via rootwrap
2024-06-20 23:58:43.575 725540 INFO oslo.privsep.daemon [-] privsep daemon starting
2024-06-20 23:58:43.577 725540 INFO oslo.privsep.daemon [-] privsep process running with uid/gid: 0/0

Revision history for this message
Zhanglei Mao (zhanglei-mao) wrote :

To verify be manually run below:
2024-06-20 23:58:31.606 721294 INFO oslo.privsep.daemon [-] Running privsep helper: ['sudo', '/usr/bin/neutron-rootwrap', '/etc/neutron/rootwrap.conf', 'privsep-helper', '--config-file', '/etc/neutron/neutron.conf', '--config-file', '/etc/neutron/neutron_ovn_met
adata_agent.ini', '--privsep_context', 'neutron.privileged.default', '--privsep_sock_path', '/tmp/tmpm2hdkfkn/privsep.sock']

Revision history for this message
Zhanglei Mao (zhanglei-mao) wrote :

The error log actually come from

    def register_metadata_agent(self):
        # NOTE(lucasagomes): db_add() will not overwrite the UUID if
        # it's already set.
        table = ('Chassis_Private' if self.has_chassis_private else 'Chassis')
        ext_ids = {
            ovn_const.OVN_AGENT_METADATA_ID_KEY: uuidutils.generate_uuid()}
        self.sb_idl.db_add(table, self.chassis, 'external_ids',

Revision history for this message
Zhanglei Mao (zhanglei-mao) wrote :

sudo ovn-sbctl show -- don't have those Chassis like nc7.maas.

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