cannot deploy bundle: series "focal" not supported by charm, supported series are: xenial,bionic

Bug #1968098 reported by James Marcus Edwards
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
OpenStack Percona Cluster Charm

Bug Description

- deploy application kubernetes-worker from charm-store on focal
  added resource cni-amd64
  added resource cni-arm64
  added resource cni-s390x
  added resource core
  added resource kube-proxy
  added resource kubectl
  added resource kubelet
- expose all endpoints of kubernetes-worker and allow access from CIDRs and ::/0
- set annotations for kubernetes-worker
- upload charm percona-cluster from charm-hub for series focal with architecture=amd64
- deploy application percona-cluster from charm-hub on focal
ERROR cannot deploy bundle: series "focal" not supported by charm, supported series are: xenial,bionic

I believe that the series flagged in this charm is preventing me from deploying my Charmed Kubernetes with the following command:

juju deploy ./canonical-kubernetes-canal --overlay ../Charmed_Kubernetes_Configuration/vault-pki-overlay.yaml --overlay ../Charmed_Kubernetes_Configuration/gcp-overlay.yaml --trust

I think that Jordan Barrett agrees with this assessment at:


Revision history for this message
Billy Olsen (billy-olsen) wrote :

Marking as invalid - the percona cluster charm does *NOT* support focal as the percona cluster packages are not available in the Focal Ubuntu repositories. Only the Bionic seriesis supported for the percona cluster charm [0].

[0] -

Changed in charm-percona-cluster:
status: New → Invalid
Revision history for this message
Billy Olsen (billy-olsen) wrote :

For focal and up, you'll need to switch to the the mysql-innodb-cluster [0], which requires that you also deploy the mysql-router charm [1]


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