The openerp-web charm does not start

Bug #1370658 reported by Matt Bruzek
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
openerp-web (Juju Charms Collection)

Bug Description

When testing the openerp-web charm I was unable to get the charm to start.

I was trying to test it with the openerp-server charm that was configured to version /7.0 so I set the openerp-web to the same version.

The install completes with no errors, but the openerp-service is not started.

According to the upstart script: /etc/init/openerp-web.conf
chdir /srv/openerp-web
exec su -c "./openerp-web --proxy-mode --db-filter=".*" --addons-path=addons --server-host" openerp

There is no executable named openerp-web in the /srv/openerp-web/ directory.

The upstart log file (/var/log/upstart/openerp-web.log) shows the error message:
bash: ./openerp-web: No such file or directory

This charm does not work and is candidate for removal. If someone wishes to maintain this charm please help fix the bug so it deploys correctly.

Tags: audit ppc64el
Matt Bruzek (mbruzek)
tags: added: audit ppc64le
Matt Bruzek (mbruzek)
tags: added: ppc64el
tags: removed: ppc64le
Revision history for this message
Johnny Shieh (jshieh) wrote :

This is an interesting bug. Openrp-web shows it was originally meant for Precise and if this was being tested on Trusty...well...

Also, history shows 89 deployments, but maybe they installed but no one ever noticed they never started?

Orphan charm?

Revision history for this message
Johnny Shieh (jshieh) wrote :

There are a couple of issues with this bug. First, this charm only exists for precise. When launched on trusty versions on both x86 and Power, the precise version is installed instead:

shieh@johnnyU1404:~$ juju deploy openerp-web
Added charm "cs:precise/openerp-web-4" to the environment.

The x86 charm does install and the service, originally written for precise, does start for x86:

    charm: cs:precise/openerp-web-4
    exposed: false
        agent-state: started
        machine: "4"

However, when the same precise charm is attempted on power, understandably, it fails. From the debug-log:

achine-0: 2015-04-13 18:22:13 ERROR juju.provisioner provisioner_task.go:531 cannot start instance for machine "4": failed to retrieve the template to clone: cannot determine cached image URL: cannot determine LXC image URL: cannot determine LXC image URL: failed find entry in
machine-0: : exit status 1: cannot determine LXC image URL: failed find entry in
machine-0: : exit status 1

Thus, this really is two bugs:
1) a trusty version of this charm is needed
2) the precise version of this charm will execute on x86 but fails on Power.

Revision history for this message
Antonio Rosales (arosales) wrote :

Collaborating with IBM this is an interesting workload, but not a high priority atm.

If there are any folks interested in enabling Power8 LE support for openerp-web on Trusty and fixing the x86 issues please comment here. If there are no comments we'll close out this bug report.


Changed in openerp-web (Juju Charms Collection):
importance: Undecided → Low
Revision history for this message
Mahesh Waidande (mahesh-waidande1248) wrote :

I download latest version of openerp-web charm ( cs:precise/openerp-web-4 ) form charm store and able to deploy it with trusty environment and establish a relation between openerp-web and openerp-server on ppc64le machine.

Whenever we deploy any charm, start up script executes (hook/start) in which we can specify various steps to deploy charm which includes installing dependent packages, starting services, setting environment variable etc.

 In case of openerp-web charm hook/start script try to start ‘openerp-web’ service and it fails to do that due to unavailability of configuration file in ‘/etc/init/’ directory which result into failure of install hook. That is a basic reason why openerp-web charm was not able to deploy on ppc64le (I can’t comment about other architectures, as I did not deployed on it but by seeing this behavior my guess is openerp-web charm will fail on other architecture as well). For resolving install hook failure I comment out line which was responsible for starting service from hook/start script and installation move ahead and successful.

For every service there will be associate configuration (.conf) file present in ‘/etc/init/’ directory. For Openerp-web charm ‘openerp-web.conf ‘file is explicitly created at a time adding or creating relation with other charm. When we add relation between openerp-web and other charm ‘openerp-relation-joined’ script was executed and it will explicitly create ‘openerp-web.conf ‘file under ‘/etc/init/’ directory and start the ‘openerp-web’ service.

I am able to add/establish relation between openerp-web client and openerp-server charm but while testing it I am getting ‘version unsupported error’, basically openerp-web version provided by launchpad was not compatible with openerp-server charm. For more information I have attached snapshot of error with this comment. For resolving this unsupported error I decided to compile latest code of openerp-web and deploy it but when I search a code I did not find any official repository for openerp-web.

Today Openerp is known as odoo and it does not provide two separate components as client and server, both these component are tightly couple in odoo. Can anyone suggest me where I can get the source of latest version of openerp-web? Any pointer/suggestions on this situation will be great help.

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