"Expecting to find domain in project" as result of volume retyping
Affects | Status | Importance | Assigned to | Milestone | |
Cinder |
Unassigned |
Bug Description
Hello. I've get follow error in cinder-volume log after attempt to change type of volume:
BadRequest: Expecting to find domain in project. The server could not comply with the request since it is either malformed or other
wise incorrect. The client is assumed to be in error.
More logs here: https:/
Here dump of request/response sended/received from/to storage node: https:/
If i insert domain name in request's body like this:
"auth": {
"scope": {
"project": {
"domain": {
"name": "admin"
"identity": {
"token": {
"id": "gAAAAABbf8j-
"methods": ["token"]
keystone return valid response.
Same thing if i use cinder cli tool.
Here is an object created in /usr/lib/ python2. 7/site- packages/ keystoneauth1/ identity/ generic/ base.py in get_auth_ref method:
2018-09-04 16:22:23.336 3652 ERROR keystoneauth. identity. v3.base [req-5febc275- e413-4ca2- bc55-5179d83a31 20 eb582cfa8be247f bbf2a275ea9c410 85 cbd35110996d417 9a4473ca121bbfb d4 - - -] {'project .identity. v3.token. TokenMethod object at 0x82ad690>], 'auth_url': u'http:// os-ctrlr- meta:5000/ v3/', 'project_ domain_ name': None, 'include_catalog': True, 'p domain_ id': None}
_name': u'admin', 'unscoped': False, 'reauthenticate': True, '_discovery_cache': {}, '_lock': <Semaphore at 0x82ad790 c=1 _w[0]>, 'auth_ref': None, 'domain_name': None, 'system_scope': None
, 'auth_methods': [<keystoneauth1
roject_id': None, 'domain_id': None, 'trust_id': None, 'project_
No project_domain_id or project_domain_name there.