commit 66133741602924c4a6509277bcb33a2f2aa042d1
Author: zhangbailin <email address hidden>
Date: Sun Nov 4 19:25:59 2018 -0500
Change the matching method of the backup driver
The backup driver name is configured uniformly from the Stein version.
For example, support for
'cinder.backup.drivers.service.ServiceBackupDriver' does not support
However, the above two backup drivers are supported in a stable version
before Rocky (including Rocky).
For the same storage backend, if the backup driver used to create the
backup file is 'cinder.backup.drivers.service.ServiceBackupDriver',
the backup driver configured when restoring the backup is
'cinder.backup.drivers.service'. The recovery of the backup file will
fail because the drivers do not match.
Therefore, the processing of this method needs to be compatible with the
backup driver for different configurations of the same backend.
The above 'service' is a proxy, it can be one of {'swift', 'nfs',
'ceph', 'glusterfs', 'google', 'tsm', 'posix'}
Closes-Bug: #1801316
Part of this backup comes from Change-Id:
Change-Id: I1d7ee395c89beda0e50cbe26b4abb4fc7749e15e
(cherry picked from commit b90a13d07dcf230a509cc93a4c864a20494cf5e7)
Conflicts: cinder/backup/
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/656010 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ cinder/ commit/ ?id=66133741602 924c4a6509277bc b33a2f2aa042d1
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/queens
commit 66133741602924c 4a6509277bcb33a 2f2aa042d1
Author: zhangbailin <email address hidden>
Date: Sun Nov 4 19:25:59 2018 -0500
Change the matching method of the backup driver
The backup driver name is configured uniformly from the Stein version. backup. drivers. service. ServiceBackupDr iver' does not support backup. drivers. service' .
For example, support for
However, the above two backup drivers are supported in a stable version
before Rocky (including Rocky).
For the same storage backend, if the backup driver used to create the backup. drivers. service. ServiceBackupDr iver', backup. drivers. service' . The recovery of the backup file will
backup file is 'cinder.
the backup driver configured when restoring the backup is
fail because the drivers do not match.
Therefore, the processing of this method needs to be compatible with the
backup driver for different configurations of the same backend.
The above 'service' is a proxy, it can be one of {'swift', 'nfs',
'ceph', 'glusterfs', 'google', 'tsm', 'posix'}
Closes-Bug: #1801316 b0cff328a58ec2f c9c3f5a5005f1c6 a0e50cbe26b4abb 4fc7749e15e a509cc93a4c864a 20494cf5e7)
cinder/ backup/ manager. py
Part of this backup comes from Change-Id:
Change-Id: I1d7ee395c89bed
(cherry picked from commit b90a13d07dcf230