Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Zuul Branch: master
commit 175aaa879d8b940d800e1b96e8871bd350798038 Author: zhurong <email address hidden> Date: Fri Jan 11 16:30:01 2019 +0800
Fix version return incorrect when endpoint url end without /
when request to cinder endpoint url end without / $ curl the version herf return incorrect, like below: "href": "" "href": "" This patch will always add a '/' to the endpoint url end.
Closes-bug: #1816793 Change-Id: I6b0f47fc5b11c44a767e0ebfe2929e560c5f5432
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/630085 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ cinder/ commit/ ?id=175aaa879d8 b940d800e1b96e8 871bd350798038
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: master
commit 175aaa879d8b940 d800e1b96e8871b d350798038
Author: zhurong <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Jan 11 16:30:01 2019 +0800
Fix version return incorrect when endpoint url end without /
when request to cinder endpoint url end without / 127.0.0. 1/volume 127.0.0. 1/v2/" 127.0.0. 1/v3/"
$ curl http://
the version herf return incorrect, like below:
"href": "http://
"href": "http://
This patch will always add a '/' to the endpoint url end.
Closes-bug: #1816793 4a767e0ebfe2929 e560c5f5432
Change-Id: I6b0f47fc5b11c4