Patch attachments

Order by: 
Bug Importance Status Patch Age
Bug #2032770: [SRU] [OVN] port creation with --enable-uplink-status-propagation does not work with OVN mechanism driver Undecided New 35 weeks
Bug #2022312: Adding IA32 to X64 pkg, because secure boot is not working on Focal Undecided New 42 weeks
Bug #1996010: [SRU] the leak in bluestore_cache_other mempool Undecided New 54 weeks
Bug #1843708: [SRU] Key-pair is not updated during the rebuild Undecided New 62 weeks
Bug #1915480: DeviceManager's fill_dhcp_udp_checksums assumes IPv6 available Undecided New 145 weeks
Bug #1939733: [OSSA-2021-005] Arbitrary dnsmasq reconfiguration via extra_dhcp_opts (CVE-2021-40085) Undecided New 149 weeks
Bug #1865037: make the service fail gracefully if unable to load modules High Triaged 157 weeks

From: Billy Olsen
Link: focal patch

Bug #1848286: octavia is not reporting metrics like lbaasv2 Medium Triaged 240 weeks
18 of 8 results