Hello, I am also hit by this error log. But I see no exchange inconsistency between different rabbit nodes and I cannot find certain reply_** exchange in each rabbit node.
I am now wondering if it is possible that the polling thread stops working for some reason and thus exchange will never be declared event after rabbit comes back online.
Hello, I am also hit by this error log. But I see no exchange inconsistency between different rabbit nodes and I cannot find certain reply_** exchange in each rabbit node.
If I read the code correctly, I believe every time this https:/ /github. com/openstack/ oslo.messaging/ blob/e44c988306 6d9b2d081a594b9 7aac3d598d491c9 /oslo_messaging /_drivers/ amqpdriver. py#L323 piece of code is called, it will make sure queue/exchange/ bindings will not declared if gone, but I cannot find certain reply_** queue.
I am now wondering if it is possible that the polling thread stops working for some reason and thus exchange will never be declared event after rabbit comes back online.