1. deploy rocky
2. installed updated oslo.messaging pkg in below nodes
- neutron-api
- neutron-gateway
- nova-compute
- - restarted openvswitch-agent only
3. tried to reproduce with below config
- created 3000 test queue, exchange, bindings
- juju config rabbitmq-server min-cluster-size=1
- juju config rabbitmq-server connection-backlog=200 ( to make all rabbitmq-server restart )
- shutdown node with maas controller ( one of rabbitmq-server)
- power on with maas controller
I'm able to see Channel not found error for nova, and for neutron-openvswitch-agent on nova-compute node.
neutron-openvswitch-agent on nova-compute node has fixed but rabbitmq-server shows me channel not found error.
However, I can't launch and delete instance on this environment.
I'm not sure how to say about this result.
Also reproduction itself is quite hard to make. It took a lot of time to find regular behavior but I'm not sure there is.
1. deploy rocky backlog= 200 ( to make all rabbitmq-server restart )
2. installed updated oslo.messaging pkg in below nodes
- neutron-api
- neutron-gateway
- nova-compute
- - restarted openvswitch-agent only
3. tried to reproduce with below config
- created 3000 test queue, exchange, bindings
- juju config rabbitmq-server min-cluster-size=1
- juju config rabbitmq-server connection-
- shutdown node with maas controller ( one of rabbitmq-server)
- power on with maas controller
I'm able to see Channel not found error for nova, and for neutron- openvswitch- agent on nova-compute node. openvswitch- agent on nova-compute node has fixed but rabbitmq-server shows me channel not found error.
However, I can't launch and delete instance on this environment.
I'm not sure how to say about this result.
Also reproduction itself is quite hard to make. It took a lot of time to find regular behavior but I'm not sure there is.