This bug was fixed in the package python-oslo.messaging - 8.1.0-0ubuntu1~cloud2.2 ---------------
python-oslo.messaging (8.1.0-0ubuntu1~cloud2.2) bionic-rocky; urgency=medium . [Seyeong Kim] * Fix RabbitMQ fails to syncronize exchanges under high load (LP: #1789177) - d/p/0001-Use-default-exchange-for-direct-messaging.patch
This bug was fixed in the package python- oslo.messaging - 8.1.0-0ubuntu1~ cloud2. 2
python- oslo.messaging (8.1.0- 0ubuntu1~ cloud2. 2) bionic-rocky; urgency=medium Use-default- exchange- for-direct- messaging. patch
[Seyeong Kim]
* Fix RabbitMQ fails to syncronize exchanges under high load (LP: #1789177)
- d/p/0001-