2011-04-16 22:22:12 |
grigori |
bug |
added bug |
2011-05-04 13:17:36 |
Alex Launi |
unity: importance |
Undecided |
Low |
2011-05-04 13:17:36 |
Alex Launi |
unity: status |
New |
Incomplete |
2011-05-04 13:17:52 |
Alex Launi |
bug task added |
compiz (Ubuntu) |
2011-05-04 13:17:57 |
Alex Launi |
compiz (Ubuntu): status |
New |
Incomplete |
2011-05-04 13:17:59 |
Alex Launi |
unity (Ubuntu): status |
New |
Incomplete |
2011-05-04 13:18:00 |
Alex Launi |
compiz (Ubuntu): importance |
Undecided |
Low |
2011-05-04 13:18:02 |
Alex Launi |
unity (Ubuntu): importance |
Undecided |
Low |
2011-05-26 22:52:45 |
Braiam Peguero |
unity: status |
Incomplete |
Invalid |
2011-05-26 22:52:52 |
Braiam Peguero |
unity (Ubuntu): status |
Incomplete |
Invalid |
2011-05-29 09:05:52 |
Braiam Peguero |
compiz (Ubuntu): status |
Incomplete |
New |
2011-09-01 06:42:36 |
Launchpad Janitor |
compiz (Ubuntu): status |
New |
Confirmed |
2011-12-21 01:46:12 |
Bryce Harrington |
compiz (Ubuntu): status |
Confirmed |
Triaged |
2011-12-21 01:46:27 |
Bryce Harrington |
compiz (Ubuntu): importance |
Low |
Medium |
2011-12-21 01:51:56 |
Bryce Harrington |
tags |
precise |
2012-05-19 08:33:13 |
Kostiantyn Rybnikov |
bug |
added subscriber Konstantine Rybnikov |
2012-06-29 15:36:28 |
Justyn Butler |
marked as duplicate |
804036 |
2012-06-30 09:30:37 |
Daniel van Vugt |
summary |
multi-monitor setup breaks window/workspace alignment |
Adding/Removing an external monitor causes open windows to move to another workspace |
2012-06-30 09:30:44 |
Daniel van Vugt |
removed duplicate marker |
804036 |
2012-06-30 09:31:35 |
Daniel van Vugt |
affects |
unity |
compiz |
2012-06-30 09:31:35 |
Daniel van Vugt |
compiz: importance |
Low |
Medium |
2012-06-30 09:31:35 |
Daniel van Vugt |
compiz: status |
Invalid |
Confirmed |
2012-06-30 09:31:44 |
Daniel van Vugt |
compiz: milestone |
| |
2012-06-30 09:31:49 |
Daniel van Vugt |
bug task deleted |
unity (Ubuntu) |
2012-07-03 09:07:17 |
vimuser |
bug |
added subscriber vimuser |
2012-07-06 01:33:32 |
Steve Baker |
bug |
added subscriber Steve Baker |
2012-08-01 12:16:30 |
Jerker Nordh |
bug |
added subscriber Jerker Nordh |
2012-08-23 05:26:38 |
Daniel van Vugt |
compiz: milestone | | |
2012-09-10 02:49:12 |
Daniel van Vugt |
compiz: assignee |
Ted Gould (ted) |
2012-09-10 06:32:31 |
Sam Spilsbury |
compiz: milestone | | |
2012-09-28 05:03:21 |
Daniel van Vugt |
compiz: milestone | | |
2012-11-13 05:38:56 |
odror |
bug |
added subscriber odror |
2012-11-23 03:23:39 |
Daniel van Vugt |
compiz: assignee |
Ted Gould (ted) |
2012-11-25 20:22:29 |
Michisteiner |
bug |
added subscriber Michisteiner |
2012-12-01 22:10:32 |
sokai |
bug |
added subscriber sokai |
2013-01-11 01:40:05 |
Ryan |
bug |
added subscriber Ryan |
2013-01-23 06:04:14 |
Daniel van Vugt |
compiz: milestone | | |
2013-03-31 20:08:51 |
Andy Freeland |
bug |
added subscriber Andy Freeland |
2013-04-03 03:44:06 |
Daniel van Vugt |
compiz: milestone | | |
2013-04-07 05:08:20 |
Launchpad Janitor |
branch linked |
lp:~vorlon/compiz/lp.763148 |
2013-04-07 08:58:31 |
Steve Langasek |
compiz (Ubuntu): status |
Triaged |
In Progress |
2013-04-07 08:58:35 |
Steve Langasek |
compiz (Ubuntu): assignee |
Steve Langasek (vorlon) |
2013-04-07 12:04:24 |
PS Jenkins bot |
compiz: status |
Confirmed |
Fix Committed |
2013-04-08 06:22:11 |
Daniel van Vugt |
compiz: assignee |
Steve Langasek (vorlon) |
2013-04-08 06:22:35 |
Daniel van Vugt |
nominated for series |
compiz/0.9.9 |
2013-04-08 06:22:35 |
Daniel van Vugt |
bug task added |
compiz/0.9.9 |
2013-04-08 06:22:46 |
Daniel van Vugt |
compiz/0.9.9: status |
New |
Triaged |
2013-04-08 06:22:50 |
Daniel van Vugt |
compiz/0.9.9: importance |
Undecided |
Medium |
2013-04-08 06:28:27 |
Launchpad Janitor |
branch linked |
lp:~vorlon/compiz/lp.763148-0.9.9 |
2013-04-10 18:07:13 |
Launchpad Janitor |
compiz (Ubuntu): status |
In Progress |
Fix Released |
2013-04-10 20:26:56 |
Launchpad Janitor |
branch linked |
lp:ubuntu/compiz |
2013-04-11 14:52:20 |
Christopher Townsend |
bug |
added subscriber Christopher Townsend |
2013-04-11 19:55:21 |
Christopher Townsend |
bug task added |
compiz-core |
2013-04-11 19:55:37 |
Christopher Townsend |
compiz-core: status |
New |
Confirmed |
2013-04-11 19:55:40 |
Christopher Townsend |
compiz-core: importance |
Undecided |
Medium |
2013-04-11 19:55:43 |
Christopher Townsend |
compiz-core: assignee |
Christopher Townsend (townsend) |
2013-04-11 21:29:11 |
Christopher Townsend |
compiz-core: status |
Confirmed |
In Progress |
2013-04-11 23:37:36 |
Huw Wilkins |
bug |
added subscriber Huw Wilkins |
2013-04-12 19:01:56 |
Launchpad Janitor |
branch linked |
lp:~townsend/compiz-core/fix-763148 |
2013-04-22 13:20:55 |
Christopher Townsend |
nominated for series |
Ubuntu Precise |
2013-04-25 16:15:18 |
Unity Merger |
compiz-core: status |
In Progress |
Fix Committed |
2013-04-26 13:17:33 |
Christopher Townsend |
description |
well, i plug in my external screen.
expected behaviour would be, if all of my windows would stay in the workspaces i aligned them to, and if they'd be on the same screen i had them in the first place.
unfortunatly in unity, if i plug-in (or plug-off) my external screen the windows are all around, but not where i'd expect them to be (namely in the same place they were before). so i always have to toggle expo-mode and re-align all of my windows. |
Many users will put different windows in different workspaces for better work flow. If a user connects and/or disconnects an external monitor or projector, all of these windows will be put in the first workspace. Having to go back and move all of the windows back to their workspaces is very frustrating and time consuming.
[Test Case]
#. Open some applications in different workspaces.
#. Plug in an external monitor.
[Regression Potential]
None identified.
Original description:
well, i plug in my external screen.
expected behaviour would be, if all of my windows would stay in the workspaces i aligned them to, and if they'd be on the same screen i had them in the first place.
unfortunatly in unity, if i plug-in (or plug-off) my external screen the windows are all around, but not where i'd expect them to be (namely in the same place they were before). so i always have to toggle expo-mode and re-align all of my windows. |
2013-04-26 14:36:40 |
Christopher Townsend |
description |
Many users will put different windows in different workspaces for better work flow. If a user connects and/or disconnects an external monitor or projector, all of these windows will be put in the first workspace. Having to go back and move all of the windows back to their workspaces is very frustrating and time consuming.
[Test Case]
#. Open some applications in different workspaces.
#. Plug in an external monitor.
[Regression Potential]
None identified.
Original description:
well, i plug in my external screen.
expected behaviour would be, if all of my windows would stay in the workspaces i aligned them to, and if they'd be on the same screen i had them in the first place.
unfortunatly in unity, if i plug-in (or plug-off) my external screen the windows are all around, but not where i'd expect them to be (namely in the same place they were before). so i always have to toggle expo-mode and re-align all of my windows. |
Many users will put different windows in different workspaces for better work flow. If a user connects and/or disconnects an external monitor or projector, all of these windows will be put in the first workspace. Having to go back and move all of the windows back to their workspaces is very frustrating and time consuming.
[Test Case]
#. Open some applications in different workspaces.
#. Plug in an external monitor.
[Regression Potential]
Very low possibility that a window still ends up in the wrong workspace.
Original description:
well, i plug in my external screen.
expected behaviour would be, if all of my windows would stay in the workspaces i aligned them to, and if they'd be on the same screen i had them in the first place.
unfortunatly in unity, if i plug-in (or plug-off) my external screen the windows are all around, but not where i'd expect them to be (namely in the same place they were before). so i always have to toggle expo-mode and re-align all of my windows. |
2013-04-29 18:22:14 |
James Troup |
bug |
added subscriber The Canonical Sysadmins |
2013-05-13 15:08:43 |
Mark Russell |
bug |
added subscriber Mark Russell |
2013-05-16 22:50:27 |
Mark Russell |
bug |
added subscriber Canonical Support |
2013-05-20 15:39:30 |
Ritesh Khadgaray |
attachment added |
proposed patch for precise https://bugs.launchpad.net/compiz/+bug/763148/+attachment/3682169/+files/place-precise.debdiff |
2013-05-20 15:51:47 |
Ritesh Khadgaray |
branch linked |
lp:~khadgaray/ubuntu/precise/compiz/lp763148 |
2013-05-20 15:54:46 |
Christopher Townsend |
compiz/0.9.9: status |
Triaged |
Fix Committed |
2013-07-08 21:25:13 |
Chris J Arges |
bug |
added subscriber Sustaining Engineering |
2013-07-23 22:08:38 |
Stephen M. Webb |
compiz: status |
Fix Committed |
Fix Released |
2013-11-20 09:36:22 |
Mohamed Ragab |
information type |
Public |
Public Security |
2013-11-20 09:36:36 |
Mohamed Ragab |
information type |
Public Security |
Public |
2013-11-20 09:37:31 |
Mohamed Ragab |
bug |
added subscriber Mohamed Ragab |
2014-02-07 16:01:38 |
Curtis Hovey |
removed subscriber Registry Administrators |
2014-03-25 10:08:30 |
Ritesh Khadgaray |
attachment removed |
proposed patch for precise https://bugs.launchpad.net/compiz/+bug/763148/+attachment/3682169/+files/place-precise.debdiff |
2014-03-25 10:08:52 |
Ritesh Khadgaray |
attachment added |
proposed patch for precise https://bugs.launchpad.net/compiz/+bug/763148/+attachment/4042365/+files/place.debdiff |
2014-03-25 16:23:46 |
indy |
bug |
added subscriber indy |
2014-04-09 07:25:05 |
Ritesh Khadgaray |
attachment removed |
proposed patch for precise https://bugs.launchpad.net/compiz/+bug/763148/+attachment/4042365/+files/place.debdiff |
2014-06-01 08:07:16 |
Jan Groenewald |
bug |
added subscriber AIMS |
2014-06-01 16:58:35 |
Braiam Peguero |
removed subscriber Braiam Peguero |
2014-06-02 21:07:39 |
Steve Baker |
removed subscriber Steve Baker |
2014-06-27 13:22:12 |
Christopher Townsend |
compiz-core: milestone |
| |
2014-07-07 19:49:16 |
Launchpad Janitor |
branch linked |
lp:~townsend/compiz-core/fix-window-monitor-hotplug |
2014-07-07 19:56:28 |
Andy Freeland |
removed subscriber Andy Freeland |
2014-07-07 20:50:59 |
Christopher Townsend |
attachment added |
compiz_precise_sru.debdiff https://bugs.launchpad.net/compiz/+bug/763148/+attachment/4147624/+files/compiz_precise_sru.debdiff |
2014-07-08 15:21:58 |
Chris J Arges |
bug task added |
compiz (Ubuntu Precise) |
2014-07-17 00:40:02 |
Chris Halse Rogers |
compiz (Ubuntu Precise): status |
New |
Fix Committed |
2014-07-17 00:40:06 |
Chris Halse Rogers |
bug |
added subscriber Ubuntu Stable Release Updates Team |
2014-07-17 00:40:12 |
Chris Halse Rogers |
bug |
added subscriber SRU Verification |
2014-07-17 00:40:22 |
Chris Halse Rogers |
tags |
precise |
precise verification-needed |
2014-07-17 01:06:23 |
Launchpad Janitor |
branch linked |
lp:ubuntu/precise-proposed/compiz |
2014-07-22 11:26:23 |
Bartosz Kosiorek |
compiz (Ubuntu Precise): assignee |
Bartosz Kosiorek (gang65) |
2014-07-22 11:28:14 |
Bartosz Kosiorek |
tags |
precise verification-needed |
precise verification-done |
2014-07-29 16:39:34 |
Chris J Arges |
removed subscriber Ubuntu Stable Release Updates Team |
2014-07-29 16:45:19 |
Launchpad Janitor |
compiz (Ubuntu Precise): status |
Fix Committed |
Fix Released |
2014-07-30 17:45:52 |
shawn moses |
compiz (Ubuntu): assignee |
Steve Langasek (vorlon) |
shawn moses (shawnmoses79) |
2014-07-30 18:14:02 |
Steve Langasek |
compiz (Ubuntu): assignee |
shawn moses (shawnmoses79) |
Steve Langasek (vorlon) |
2014-11-08 17:27:44 |
schu |
bug |
added subscriber schu |
2014-11-25 18:31:43 |
Stephen M. Webb |
compiz/0.9.9: status |
Fix Committed |
Fix Released |
2015-02-05 10:30:47 |
Dirk Seidel |
bug |
added subscriber Dirk Seidel |
2015-02-05 10:39:39 |
Dariusz Gadomski |
bug |
added subscriber Dariusz Gadomski |
2019-11-03 18:47:37 |
odror |
removed subscriber odror |