Key bindings sometimes work, sometimes not
Affects | Status | Importance | Assigned to | Milestone | |
Compiz |
Unassigned |
Bug Description
Hello, I am using Compiz 0.9.13-0 compiled from AUR repo on Arch.
I am not sure if this is already repported or not, I see that people have had some similar issues few years back, but it also seem to be somewhat hard issue to put a finger on.
Here is my use case: I am using Compiz as a standalone wm with emerald decorator. I have recently reinstalled OS and I have two strange issues I have experienced with Compis. They appears sometimes, but always immidiately after I login (I don't use login managers, I login straight into Compiz via startx and .xinitrc). Sometimes keyboard shortcuts seem not to work as intended and sometimes some keyboard shortcuts does not work despite being shown as assigne din cssm gui. After I open ccsm, and reassign one of those keys, all bindings then start to work as intended.
I am using grid for layout management plus few options from "Genearl Tab" with Super key as modifier for all window-manager related operations.
First what happened was that Super alone activited maximize vertical to the right action, despite that I never used Super alone, I always assign it together with some other key (like Super+Kp6, etc). As soon I clicked Super key, whatever was under mouse curse jumped to right halv of the screen and maximized vertically. I had to open cssm, and under window management tab choose Scale plugin, than just re-assign any key, and everythign worked fine. That drove me nuts and I wasn't able to find any solution so I wiped all compiz settings (from .cache, .config), recompiled compiz and reinstalled it.
Second time around, the previous error is gone, but now some key-bindings assigned from "general tab" (I suppose core plugin) does not work after login. I don't use many bindings, I have defined
minimize (Super .), maximize (Super +), restore (super -), shade (super s), close (Super q) and show menu (Super space). Of those maximize, restore and shade always stop to work after new start while minimize, close and show menu work as intended. Sometimes it helps if I open ccsm and re-assign one of keys, but sometimes it does not. I see no pattern for the behaviour, other than that it's always same keys and it always happeneds after new login.
First time around I have used d-bus and gsetting to configure compiz, second time I run with flat ini file and without and d-bus support in cmpiz.
My specs are below if it helps;
Kernel 4.9.9 x86_64 arch
Gfx nvidia - driver 378.13 GTX1080
Xorg 1.19.1
gcc 6.3.1
libc 2.24
Details about compiz:
Namn : compiz
Version :
Description : Composite manager for Aiglx and Xgl, with plugins and CCSM
Architecture : x86_64
URL : https:/
Licenses : GPL LGPL MIT
Groups : Ingen
Provides : compiz-
Depends On : boost xorg-server libxcomposite startup-
Optional Deps : xorg-xprop: grab various window properties for use in window matching rules[installerad]
Required By : emerald
Optional For : Ingen
Conflicts With : compiz-core compiz-gtk compiz-bcop ccsm compiz-
Replaces : Ingen
Installed Size : 21,67 MiB
Packager : Unknown Packager
Build Date : lör 18 feb 2017 19:43:35
Install Date : lör 18 feb 2017 19:43:56
Install Reason : Uttryckligt installerad
Install Script : Nej
Validated By : Ingen