Update: this is output of app when i played song in banshee after covergloobus runned by this command. yaseen@yaseen-Ubuntu:~$ covergloobus --debug [DEBUG] Installed themes: * /usr/share/covergloobus/themes/Ibex , * /usr/share/covergloobus/themes/ToolTip , * /usr/share/covergloobus/themes/Polaroid , * /usr/share/covergloobus/themes/BadChoice3 , * /usr/share/covergloobus/themes/Vinyl , * /usr/share/covergloobus/themes/corner , * /usr/share/covergloobus/themes/BoxOfTricksMod , * /usr/share/covergloobus/themes/BoxOfTricks , * /usr/share/covergloobus/themes/simple , * /usr/share/covergloobus/themes/LucidDark , * /usr/share/covergloobus/themes/Coversutra , * /usr/share/covergloobus/themes/45Controls , * /usr/share/covergloobus/themes/iSticky , * /usr/share/covergloobus/themes/BadChoice , * /usr/share/covergloobus/themes/Dirty , * /usr/share/covergloobus/themes/Postcard , * /usr/share/covergloobus/themes/BadChoice2 , * /usr/share/covergloobus/themes/Postcard2 , [DEBUG] Installed players: * Amarok2 * Audacious2 * Banshee * Clementine * DeaDBeeF * Exaile * Exaile3 * Exaile3MPRIS * gmusicbrowser * Grooveshark * Guayadeque * Listen * MOC * MPD * Pithos * QuodLibet * Rhythmbox * Songbird * Spotify * Totem * VLC [DEBUG] Prefix: /usr [DEBUG] ABS_PATH: /usr/share/covergloobus [DEBUG] Initializing dbus [DEBUG] LYRICS: init done [DEBUG] COVERSEARCH: loading engine Location [DEBUG] COVERSEARCH: loading engine Amazon [DEBUG] Loading player [DEBUG] Player loaded: Banshee [DEBUG] UI: Theme path: /usr/share/covergloobus/themes/ToolTip [DEBUG] Showing status icon: True [DEBUG] Init done ERROR:dbus.connection:Exception in handler for D-Bus signal: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/dbus/connection.py", line 214, in maybe_handle_message self._handler(*args, **kwargs) File "/usr/share/covergloobus/players/Banshee.py", line 219, in song_changed_handler self.cg.update(TRACK, self.get_track()) File "/usr/share/covergloobus/players/Banshee.py", line 152, in get_track data = self.iface.GetCurrentTrack() File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/dbus/proxies.py", line 140, in __call__ **keywords) File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/dbus/connection.py", line 620, in call_blocking message, timeout) DBusException: System.ArgumentException: An element with the same key already exists in the dictionary. [WARNING] BANSHEE: name not found in current track [WARNING] BANSHEE: album not found in current track [WARNING] BANSHEE: artist not found in current track [WARNING] BANSHEE: genre not found in current track [WARNING] BANSHEE: year not found in current track [WARNING] BANSHEE: track-number not found in current track [WARNING] BANSHEE: rating not found in current track [WARNING] BANSHEE: artwork-id not found in current track ERROR:dbus.connection:Exception in handler for D-Bus signal: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/dbus/connection.py", line 214, in maybe_handle_message self._handler(*args, **kwargs) File "/usr/share/covergloobus/players/Banshee.py", line 219, in song_changed_handler self.cg.update(TRACK, self.get_track()) File "/usr/share/covergloobus/players/Banshee.py", line 170, in get_track length = data['length'] KeyError: 'length