I just filled #617988 which replaces safeInc/safeDec-style counters in Client.h/struct Counts - (3)
Now, the only consumer safeInc/Dec functions is BufferedSocket (2), for which I suggest to just use <boost/details/atomic_count.hpp> with appropriate comment. I can submit patch for that, if necessary.
safe* functions in FastCriticalSections was replaced in Bug #617757
Taking all this into account, we have only one use of "safe*" functions: ShareManager::refresh (safeExchange), which I think should use try_lock or semaphore instead.
I just filled #617988 which replaces safeInc/ safeDec- style counters in Client.h/struct Counts - (3)
Now, the only consumer safeInc/Dec functions is BufferedSocket (2), for which I suggest to just use <boost/ details/ atomic_ count.hpp> with appropriate comment. I can submit patch for that, if necessary.
safe* functions in FastCriticalSec tions was replaced in Bug #617757
Taking all this into account, we have only one use of "safe*" functions: ShareManager: :refresh (safeExchange), which I think should use try_lock or semaphore instead.