It has been validly pointed out to me by a fellow archive-admin that the current cxlflash sources seem to ship a non-free license in src/build/install/resources/license/ of the tarball contents. This can cause some legal confusion, as the sources are apparently Apache 2.0.
From what I see those actually also shouldn't be in the tarball IIUC, as the /src/build/tools/create_tarball script seems to remove them at the distro_scrub() stage. Is this script deprecated?
It has been validly pointed out to me by a fellow archive-admin that the current cxlflash sources seem to ship a non-free license in src/build/ install/ resources/ license/ of the tarball contents. This can cause some legal confusion, as the sources are apparently Apache 2.0.
From what I see those actually also shouldn't be in the tarball IIUC, as the /src/build/ tools/create_ tarball script seems to remove them at the distro_scrub() stage. Is this script deprecated?
Could we get rid of those?