Comment 1 for bug 1650582

Revision history for this message
Andreas Florath (ansreas) wrote :

Looks there is another facade of the same problem:
when trying to create a centos image, for me it stops with

   3236 Floating point exception

in dib-run-parts:139

   LC_NUMERIC=C LC_ALL=C output_printf "%-40s %10.3f\n" ${target##start_} $duration

Some investigations show, that when removing the 'LC_NUMERIC=C LC_ALL=C' it works. Also there are some other problems with the locale: a lot of warnings like

   /bin/sh: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (C.UTF-8)


   Failed to set locale, defaulting to C


The host system is a Ubuntu 16.04. DIB is a current version from the master branch (commit 7603f97cadbf92c79549547dabbe252650343cac).