Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Zuul Branch: master
commit e905400ca077933563972b6ea73177c22408a8fe Author: Ghanshyam Mann <email address hidden> Date: Thu Jun 25 19:44:48 2020 -0500
[goal] Prepare for job migration to Ubuntu Focal (20.04)
As per victoria cycle testing runtime and community goal[1] we need to migrate upstream CI/CD to Ubuntu Focal(20.04).
Bump the lower constraints for required deps which added python3.8 support in their later version.
Story: #2007865 Task: #40200
Closes-Bug: #1886298
Change-Id: I6d79fc80b85d398fe0168677318c9c34285189ae
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/738126 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ nova/commit/ ?id=e905400ca07 7933563972b6ea7 3177c22408a8fe
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: master
commit e905400ca077933 563972b6ea73177 c22408a8fe
Author: Ghanshyam Mann <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Jun 25 19:44:48 2020 -0500
[goal] Prepare for job migration to Ubuntu Focal (20.04)
As per victoria cycle testing runtime and community goal[1]
we need to migrate upstream CI/CD to Ubuntu Focal(20.04).
Bump the lower constraints for required deps which added python3.8 support
in their later version.
Story: #2007865
Task: #40200
Closes-Bug: #1886298
[1] https:/ /governance. openstack. org/tc/ goals/selected/ victoria/ migrate- ci-cd-jobs- to-ubuntu- focal.html
Change-Id: I6d79fc80b85d39 8fe0168677318c9 c34285189ae