The database below fails with ``` pvaLink void {anonymous}::pvaOpenLink(DBLINK*) fails MTEST-JSON:inp_json_calc: DBLINK* corrupt ```
system details: linux x86_64 EPICS R7.0.7-DEV, as well as R7.0.7
database ``` record(ai, "MTEST-JSON:A1") { field(VAL, 1) field(PINI, 1) }
record(ai, "MTEST-JSON:inp_json_calc") { field(INP, { "calc": { "expr": "A|B|C", "args": [ { "const": 0 }, 0, { "pva": { "pv": "MTEST-JSON:A1", "field":"VAL", } } ] } } ) } ```
The database below fails with ::pvaOpenLink( DBLINK* ) fails MTEST-JSON: inp_json_ calc: DBLINK* corrupt
pvaLink void {anonymous}
system details:
linux x86_64
EPICS R7.0.7-DEV, as well as R7.0.7
record(ai, "MTEST-JSON:A1") {
field(VAL, 1)
field(PINI, 1)
record(ai, "MTEST- JSON:inp_ json_calc" ) {
"expr" : "A|B|C",
"args" : [
"const" : 0
} ,
"pva" : {
"pv": "MTEST-JSON:A1",
"field" :"VAL",
"calc": {