Quotes are optional in JSON-5 for map keys that meet the requirements for an identifier, so the yajl generator checks map keys and only uses quotes when they're needed. A JSON-5 parser that accepts NaN values should also accept unquoted keys. An older JSON parser would not allow them, but then it should also reject Infinity and NaN as numeric values.
I did suggest in my GitHub PR the alternative solution of providing a separate "-M json5" mode, but that idea would require rather more work. If unquoted keys are a problem though I would raise that suggestion again and also have the strict JSON generator convert NaN and Infinity values into strings.
Does that work okay for you though?
Quotes are optional in JSON-5 for map keys that meet the requirements for an identifier, so the yajl generator checks map keys and only uses quotes when they're needed. A JSON-5 parser that accepts NaN values should also accept unquoted keys. An older JSON parser would not allow them, but then it should also reject Infinity and NaN as numeric values.
I did suggest in my GitHub PR the alternative solution of providing a separate "-M json5" mode, but that idea would require rather more work. If unquoted keys are a problem though I would raise that suggestion again and also have the strict JSON generator convert NaN and Infinity values into strings.