The patron name keyword search, introduced in bug 1776020, can crash when supplied with a single quotation mark as the search string. The associated error message is:
net.js:119 error calling method : 500 : *** Call to [] failed for session [0.98703998489481461536081818521], thread trace [0]:
Exception: OpenSRF::EX::ERROR 2018-09-04T13:41:40 OpenSRF::Application /usr/local/share/perl/5.24.1/OpenSRF/ System ERROR: Call to for method
failed with exception: Exception: OpenSRF::EX::ERROR 2018-09-04T13:41:40 OpenILS::Application::AppUtils /usr/local/share/perl/5.24.1/OpenILS/Application/ System ERROR: Exception: OpenSRF::DomainObject::oilsMethodException 2018-09-04T13:41:40 OpenSRF::AppRequest /usr/local/share/perl/5.24.1/OpenSRF/ <500> *** Call to [] failed for session [1536082899.863611540.94075152383], thread trace [1]:
DBD::Pg::db selectcol_arrayref failed: ERROR: syntax error in tsquery: "':*" [for Statement " SELECT evergreen.lowercase(CAST(users.family_name AS text)), evergreen.lowercase(CAST(users.first_given_name AS text)), evergreen.lowercase(CAST(users.second_given_name AS text)), evergreen.lowercase(CAST(users.dob AS text)), evergreen.lowercase(CAST( AS text))
FROM actor.usr AS users
JOIN actor.org_unit_descendants(1) d ON ( = users.home_ou)
JOIN (SELECT id as id FROM actor.usr u WHERE name_kw_tsvector @@ to_tsquery(?)) AS search ON ( =
WHERE users.deleted = FALSE
GROUP BY evergreen.lowercase(CAST(users.family_name AS text)), evergreen.lowercase(CAST(users.first_given_name AS text)), evergreen.lowercase(CAST(users.second_given_name AS text)), evergreen.lowercase(CAST(users.dob AS text)), evergreen.lowercase(CAST( AS text))
ORDER BY evergreen.lowercase(CAST(users.family_name AS text)) ASC, evergreen.lowercase(CAST(users.first_given_name AS text)) ASC, evergreen.lowercase(CAST(users.second_given_name AS text)) ASC, evergreen.lowercase(CAST(users.dob AS text)) DESC, evergreen.lowercase(CAST( AS text))
"] at /usr/local/share/perl/5.24.1/OpenILS/Application/Storage/Publisher/ line 903.
Evergreen master
Confirmed in Master circa 3.7.1, though I did not get the error when first bringing op the search form and executing a name keyword search with a single quote. In this case the page hangs with the progress bar displaying, but no error appears in the console.
Upon refreshing the page and performing the name keyword search with the single quote, I do see the error.