YAOUS and Display Use Different Claimed Return values

Bug #1818568 reported by Rogan Hamby
This bug affects 2 people
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone

Bug Description

This is going to be very low priority but I'm opening the bug for discussion. For Evergreen native patrons they are unlikely to ever see this but it has come up with migrated patrons and is a potential future issue. Sometimes when migrating patrons we don't have open circulations for claimed returned transactions but have a claimed return total. As a result the value for claims_returned_count on actor.usr isn't the same as the sum of circulations with with the fine stopped reason of CLAIMSRETURNED.

In the web client the display of claims returned uses the value of fine stopped circulations. However, the behavior of requiring an override when the YAOUS of Max Patron Claims Returned Count is based on the integer in actor.usr so if these are out of sync then the behavior in the staff client will not match the information available to staff. Right now the circumstances that will lead to this are fairly narrow (unless you do a lot of migrations) but is largely a migration problem. However, if future development happens that introduces more situations where this can happen .... well, it is best practice to give staff reliable information to work with patrons.

Changed in evergreen:
importance: Undecided → Low
Elaine Hardy (ehardy)
tags: added: needsdiscussion patron
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