Patron Search (specifying phone number) does not find patrons based on their notification phone numbers under user settings

Bug #1823085 reported by Nathan Eady
This bug affects 10 people
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Fix Committed

Bug Description

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Pull up a patron record
2. Click the Edit tab.
3. Scroll down to User Settings.
4. Under either Default Phone Number, or
   Default SMS/Text Number,
   enter a phone number different from any elsewhere on the record.
5. Save.
[... time passes, possibly weeks, or even months ...]
6. Search -> Search for Patrons
7. Enter the phone number in the Phone blank.
8. Click Search button.

Expected results:
Ideally, this should find the patron; or at least there should be a second blank on the search form for the notification phone number.

Actual results:
There appears to be no way to find the patron, based only on the phone number at which they are supposed to be getting notifications.

This can be a problem e.g. if SMS messages start bouncing.

At first I thought "Hmm, nobody has that number any more, must be they've changed their settings but nobody updated the already-placed holds." But it turns out the notification numbers aren't searched.

Revision history for this message
Garry Collum (gcollum) wrote :

Confirmed in 3.2.5

Changed in evergreen:
status: New → Confirmed
tags: added: patron search
Revision history for this message
Andrea Neiman (aneiman) wrote :

Still happening in 3.6

tags: removed: webstaffclient
tags: removed: search
Changed in evergreen:
importance: Undecided → Medium
Revision history for this message
Josh Stompro (u-launchpad-stompro-org) wrote :

I just wanted to add a me-too to this issue.

And it would be really great if it also searched the action.hold_request phone_notify and sms_notify fields, since customers can enter a different number for each hold.

In our case we use an sms api vendor to send sms messages, we don't use the email gateways. So if all I get back is a reply saying "wrong number" with a sending phone number. It can be difficult to find which customer had one of their holds with a typo'd sms number without searching the action.hold_request data directly.


Revision history for this message
Dawn Dale (ddale) wrote :

We would like to see the search results from any phone number field. Currently it only searches the daytime phone number. We would like to see it search evening phone number, other phone number, and holds notification phone number as well as the daytime phone number.

Revision history for this message
Mark Tillman (tillman-w) wrote :

+1 To this.

I am responsible for working on bounced back SMS messages and as of now it can be very difficult to find some accounts. The phone search field in the patron search screen needs to search all phone fields saved in the account, and if possible, be able to also search the number (if different) on holds notifications.


Revision history for this message
Nathan Eady (mrmcquack) wrote :

I don't think searching the one-off contact numbers set for individual holds, would add that much value. Once the notification has already bounced or otherwise failed, finding the patron and e.g. putting an alert on their account is usually going to be too late for that specific hold; the hold will expire, probably before the patron comes to the desk and a staff member can see the alert and inform the patron, and then the phone number that was given for that hold, becomes irrelevant.

I think it's enough to search all the phone numbers attached to the patron's account and notification settings (i.e., the ones that persist and may come up again, and again, and again).

Revision history for this message
Katie Greenleaf Martin (kgmspark) wrote :

This is affecting PaILS in 3.9 - with the increase in cell phone bouncebacks in general, these are pretty cumbersome to parse. I ran an SQL query to see all the notices generated by a particular action trigger and then searched the output for the phone number in question. It works, but it's clunky as workarounds go.

Bill Erickson (berick)
Changed in evergreen:
assignee: nobody → Bill Erickson (berick)
milestone: none → 3.15-beta
Revision history for this message
Bill Erickson (berick) wrote :

Here's a branch that adds support for searching the patron's default phone number and SMS number during patron search:;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/user/berick/lp1823085-sms-default-phone-search

To test, add a default and/or sms number via the patron editor which is different from any other number on the account, then search for the value in patron search.

tags: added: pullrequest
Changed in evergreen:
assignee: Bill Erickson (berick) → nobody
Revision history for this message
Jane Sandberg (sandbergja) wrote :

Thanks, Bill! We reviewed this and pushed it during today's collaborative code review. It works great and we love it!

tags: added: signedoff
Changed in evergreen:
status: Confirmed → Fix Committed
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