wishlist: allow manual carousels to randomize order

Bug #1911940 reported by Andrea Neiman
This bug affects 5 people
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone

Bug Description

Broken off from bug 1866406 (and related to bug 1911938) - create a way for manual carousels to display bucket entries randomly rather than rely on bucket-added order (or any future manual ordering).

Revision history for this message
Elizabeth Thomsen (et-8) wrote :

We would really like a random ordering option. We have this option for OverDrive collections (which are used for similar purposes) and it's great to be able to give all the titles a change to appear right on the main page.

Revision history for this message
Terran McCanna (tmccanna) wrote :

+1 to the random ordering option

Revision history for this message
Elizabeth Thomsen (et-8) wrote :

A related feature (also inspired by OverDrive's curated collections) -- we'd like to also be able to have an option to show all the titles, but give priority to the titles with available copies. Although this would still look like just a single stream of titles, the order would be Available in Random order, followed by Not Available in Random order. (These should be two separate settings, so we can mix or match depending on the project.)

tags: added: buckets-record opac-carousel
removed: buckets carousel
Revision history for this message
Elizabeth Thomsen (et-8) wrote :

Just confirming that this is still an issue and still something we'd love to see happen!

Andrea Neiman (aneiman)
Changed in evergreen:
status: New → Confirmed
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