curbside pickup with 0 items available does not cancel appointment
Affects | Status | Importance | Assigned to | Milestone | |
Evergreen |
Unassigned |
Bug Description
Wish List/ enhancement request: Curbside auto-cancels appointment with no materials attached for pick up.
When using curbside pick up module, appointments with 0 items available do not auto-cancel, prompting staff to "ready for pick up" items already checked out or cancelled and returned to shelf.
Typical workflow:
item is checked in/ captured or hold and is marked "ready for pick up." Patron receives notification and schedules curbside pick up appointment (via OPAC self service or staff creation via circulation> curbside module> schedule pick up).
Before appointment day/ time is reached, patron or surrogate comes in to pick up and check out materials.
Materials are moved from "ready to pick up" "on holds shelf" to "checked out" as expected and Curbside appointment day/ time is still standing.
When appointment day/ time is reached, patron account shows in queue for "to be staged" with 0 items attached.
To clear appointment, staff must go back to curbside module> schedule pick up, then enter or search and fill patron barcode, to cancel appointment.
Would like curbside to automatically cancel appointments with 0 items ready so staff does not have to manually cancel in module OR notice/ pop-up in patron account at check out that there is an open curbside appointment to cancel or fulfill, similar to holds available pop up.
Server Details: Evergreen Version3-7-2, Hostname:
Chrome, Mozilla, and Edge browsers all work as expected.
I'd call this a bug, not an enhancement. Marking accordingly (and confirmed in 3.8).