After Using Save & Clone, Clicking Save Creates Another Clone

Bug #2013639 reported by Brett French
This bug affects 4 people
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone

Bug Description

Currently using 3.7.3 via Chrome, have confirmed that this affects 3.7.4 and 3.10 as well.

Using Save & Clone, then hitting Save on the final patron being registered does not just save the patron but saves the patron and opens a new record with the cloned information, even though Save & Clone was not used again. This record still functions like a Save & Clone record, even though Save & Clone was not pressed, and saving a patron with it will result in the patrons being grouped together.

Steps to Reproduce

1) Register A Patron
2) Select Save & Clone
3) Register Another Patron
4) Instead of Save & Clone, Select Save

A new patron registration will then appear with the previously cloned info inside it. Ideally, if Save is used instead of Save & Clone the record shouldn't contain any of the previously cloned information.

Tags: patron
Brett French (bsfrench)
description: updated
Brett French (bsfrench)
description: updated
Revision history for this message
John Amundson (jamundson) wrote :

From bug #2015402:

EG version 3.9

When staff register a patron, the URL is /eg/staff/circ/patron/register

If staff register a patron and then click Save, EG refreshes eg/staff/circ/patron/register with a new, clear form.

If staff register a patron and then click Save and Clone, EG opens eg/staff/circ/patron/register/clone/XXX (patron id number) and displays the pending address.
 - when staff then Save this cloned user (instead of clicking save and clone again), EG is retaining the eg/staff/circ/patron/register/clone/XXX (patron id number) and not going back to the expected eg/staff/circ/patron/register

This action is causing EG to display the pending address on the new registration form that is not part of the cloned/grouped account.

Staff need to go back into Circulation > Register Patron to clear out this pending address caused by the initial Save and Clone action.

Erica Rohlfs (erohlfs)
Changed in evergreen:
status: New → Confirmed
importance: Undecided → Medium
tags: added: patron
Revision history for this message
Lena Hernandez (lfhernandez) wrote :

Also encountered this issue on 3.11.3

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