MARC Batch Import/Export Queue - Copy Queue To Bucket Doesn't Work as Expected

Bug #2039619 reported by Jennifer Pringle
This bug affects 2 people
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone

Bug Description

Evergreen 3.9 and 3.11

Within a queue (in Cataloguing -> MARC Batch Import/Export -> Inspect Queue -> select a queue) there is an option for Copy Queue to Bucket. If you select this you get the normal add records to bucket pop up.

Adding the queue to an existing bucket or a shared bucket doesn't work.

The drop down menu for existing buckets doesn't populate with your existing buckets or show them if you start typing ones you know exist. (If you create a new bucket through the Copy Queue to Bucket action it will show in the list but none of your other buckets do).

You can enter the ID for a shared bucket and click Add to Shared Bucket. The pop up appears to confirm you want to add to the shared bucket but after you click Confirm nothing happens and the records aren't added to the shared bucket. (There are no console errors)

Adding the queue to a new bucket works as expected.

Beth Willis (willis-a)
Changed in evergreen:
status: New → Confirmed
Revision history for this message
Beth Willis (willis-a) wrote :

EG 3.9.4 and EG 3.10.3

Confirming Jennifer's findings.

I did find that if I created a new bucket through the Copy Queue to Bucket action, I was able to copy additional queues to that bucket. In other words, copying a queue to an existing bucket works, but only for buckets created through the Copy Queue to Bucket action.

Revision history for this message
Andrea Neiman (aneiman) wrote :

Confirming still occurs in 3.14-beta

Changed in evergreen:
importance: Undecided → Wishlist
importance: Wishlist → Critical
importance: Critical → Medium
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