Angular Circulation cannot save a patron

Bug #2081327 reported by Jason Stephenson
This bug affects 6 people
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone

Bug Description

Evergreen version 3.13
PostgreSQL version 10
Server O/S: Ubuntu 20.04
Client O/S: Ubuntu 22.04
Client browser: Firefox 130.1 (Ubuntu snap)

When attempting to test bug 1828114 with the above combination, I was unable to save a patron in the experimental Angular circulation client. The Save button is never enabled; it is always red and clicking it does nothing.

The following browser console message appears to be relevant:

Unable to check <input pattern=\u2018/[0-9|A-Z]{3,12}[-| ]?[0-9|A-Z]{0,4}/\u2019> because \u2018//[0-9|A-Z]{3,12}[-| ]?[0-9|A-Z]{0,4}//v\u2019 is not a valid regexp: invalid character in class in regular expression

Revision history for this message
Linda Jansova (skolkova-s) wrote :

Just confirming that in Evergreen 3.13.1 (with PostgreSQL 14) I have encountered the same behavior (as indicated in this comment:

Changed in evergreen:
status: New → Confirmed
Changed in evergreen:
importance: Undecided → High
tags: added: angular-circ patron
Revision history for this message
Jason Stephenson (jstephenson) wrote (last edit ):

Following up on a conversation with Mike Rylander in IRC, I have modified our postal code validation org. unit setting to remove unnecessary pipe, '|', characters. (

I got the error, so I modified the regex even further by adding '\\' in front of a group that begins with a dash: "[\\- ]".

This regex passed validation, and there was no console error, but the save button was still red and inactive after I filled in all required fields. There were no errors in the console log this time.

Revision history for this message
Jason Stephenson (jstephenson) wrote :

FWIW, the Save button issue also occurs for me with Chrome Version 129.0.6668.58 (Official Build) (64-bit), also on Ubuntu 22.04. Again there are no errors in the console log.

Revision history for this message
Dan Briem (dbriem) wrote :

I did some testing (because I thought I might've broken it given I think I was the last one to touch the edit component). But, I can't reproduce this on a new install of main and 3.13.4 with the concerto dataset. I'm able to register/save patrons in the Angular circulation interface.

Revision history for this message
Linda Jansova (skolkova-s) wrote :

Hmm, that is interesting. I am just adding that we did our testing in 3.13.1 which was an upgraded database where we encountered the issue with extra coded values ( and At first sight, it seems unrelated but I thought it might be useful to mention it in case there is a connection of some sort.

Revision history for this message
Jason Stephenson (jstephenson) wrote :

I tested this with the same version of Chrome on a test system with production data upgraded to main as of earlier today (2024-09-24). This is the same system where I successfully tested a number of other Evergreen enhancements for the 3.14-beta today.

It sill does not allow me to save a patron in the Angular circulation module, no matter what I do. The older AngularJS registration works just fine.

The Chrome dev tools report that two checkboxes in the form have the same id, and that two label elements' for attributes do not match and form element ids. Don't think either of these are causing the validation to fail to trigger, but thought it was worth mentioning.

Revision history for this message
Stephanie Leary (stephanieleary) wrote :

The form errors should not have anything to do with the data in this case, but they are fixed in the branch on bug 2065344.

Revision history for this message
Stephanie Leary (stephanieleary) wrote :

I can't reproduce this on my dev system with Concerto.

I noticed that the regex pattern contains \u2018 and \u2019. Those are the codes for curly single quotes. Is it possible those characters are in your validation pattern?

Revision history for this message
Jason Stephenson (jstephenson) wrote (last edit ):

Stephanie, no there are no Unicode characters in our regexes. I've tripled checked. The regular expression console errors no longer show up since I fixed them, and I am still unable to save a patron on an upgraded system.

In an IRC conversation Mike thinks the Unicode quote marks are coming from some layer trying to do pretty error reporting.

The only quotes in our post code regular expression are the regular double quotes required to make the value a JSON string for the org_unit_setting table.

I don't dispute that this works with concerto data or a fresh install, since I have not tested that. I can only report what I see with upgraded systems. I also understand that you cannot test it on my system.

As I mentioned in a previous comment, I have this at the point where there are no console log messages, and the the Save button never activates.

I have disabled Last Pass so it does not autofill my username, and it still never activates.

Here's a series of 3 screenshots showing the full form with required fileds filled in, and the Save button still inactive.

Revision history for this message
Christine Burns (christine-burns) wrote :

I can replicate this issue on our upgrade testing server running 3.14.1 with Sitka data

Using Patron Search from the Place Holds screen opens the new patron account screen - patron edits cannot be saved

Search for bib record -> Click Place Hold -> Click Search for Patron -> Search by patron type -> Choose patron -> Edit - Update Expiry Date - Save button is greyed out

Search -> Search for Patrons opens the old patron account screen and patron edits work as expected.

Revision history for this message
Linda Jansova (skolkova-s) wrote :

Just noting here that when I tried to save a patron on Blake's bugsquash server (going straight via, everything went on smoothly, I was able to successfully save the patron and then look the patron up in the patron search interface.

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