I upodated this to latest version 0.7.5
Upstream removed the FireGPGCall dir. so as a temp fix i commented out the clean call in rules to fix FTBFS
I will get with Alexander this week if i get time to fix it perm.
This has been uploaded to my PPA for Karmic and Jaunty.see links below:
I upodated this to latest version 0.7.5
Upstream removed the FireGPGCall dir. so as a temp fix i commented out the clean call in rules to fix FTBFS
I will get with Alexander this week if i get time to fix it perm.
This has been uploaded to my PPA for Karmic and Jaunty.see links below:
https:/ /launchpad. net/~gnomefreak /+archive/ ppa
https:/ /code.launchpad .net/~gnomefrea k/firefox- extensions/ firegpg. ubuntu
https:/ /code.launchpad .net/~gnomefrea k/firefox- extensions/ firegpg. upstream