Ok we need to fix the clean call in debian/rules than i will send fix to upstream author, than update it to latest release. We need to check on other things as well list to follow:
# ensure mozilla-devscripts 0.15 is used
# ensure that ${xpi:Depends} is used and be sure to add it under Recommends: field.
# ensure that no packages (browsers / mail clients) are in Depends: cause ${xpi:Depends} will do the trick for us
# ensure that Standards-Version 3.8.3 or 3.8.4 (not sure if 3.8.4 has been used yet) is used.
# ensure that you add reference to this wiki page in debian/changelog.
# verify that the extension works with ffox 3.5
# ensure that the extension do *not* ship an extra license file. Make use of MOZ_XPI_DOCUMENTED_LICENSE_FILES feature to remove them eventually.
Ok we need to fix the clean call in debian/rules than i will send fix to upstream author, than update it to latest release. We need to check on other things as well list to follow: DOCUMENTED_ LICENSE_ FILES feature to remove them eventually.
# ensure mozilla-devscripts 0.15 is used
# ensure that ${xpi:Depends} is used and be sure to add it under Recommends: field.
# ensure that no packages (browsers / mail clients) are in Depends: cause ${xpi:Depends} will do the trick for us
# ensure that Standards-Version 3.8.3 or 3.8.4 (not sure if 3.8.4 has been used yet) is used.
# ensure that you add reference to this wiki page in debian/changelog.
# verify that the extension works with ffox 3.5
# ensure that the extension do *not* ship an extra license file. Make use of MOZ_XPI_