This bug affects only Fuel 6.0, in 6.1 and 7.0 ostf tests load only resources by one hour [1][2]. Please, mark it as invalid for 6.1, 7.0.
Vitaly, in 6.0 this bug have not real impact but ostf health checks for ceilometer fails on longliving environments even if ceilometer works. I think it will be cool to fix this wrong behavior.
Hi, Vitaly and Roman.
This bug affects only Fuel 6.0, in 6.1 and 7.0 ostf tests load only resources by one hour [1][2]. Please, mark it as invalid for 6.1, 7.0.
Vitaly, in 6.0 this bug have not real impact but ostf health checks for ceilometer fails on longliving environments even if ceilometer works. I think it will be cool to fix this wrong behavior.
[1] https:/ /github. com/stackforge/ fuel-ostf/ blob/stable/ 6.1/fuel_ health/ tests/sanity/ test_sanity_ ceilometer. py#L48 /github. com/stackforge/ fuel-ostf/ blob/stable/ 7.0/fuel_ health/ tests/sanity/ test_sanity_ ceilometer. py#L48
[2] https:/