[Fuel menu]fuelmenu crashes on first boot

Bug #1491857 reported by Serg Lystopad
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Fuel for OpenStack
MOS Maintenance

Bug Description

Fuel node:
ISO 6.1 release (md5sum 45040bd3265bec8a77ed666735e74d3c)
node is VM on ESXi
2 NICS (vmxnet3):
- first is connected to management VLAN (do not confuse with MOS mgmt)
- second is connected to PXE VLAN

fuelmenu fails on first boot (after OS is installed).

Trace screen-shot:

fuelmenu does not fail if I change order for NICs:
- first - PXE VLAN
- second - management VLAN (do not confuse with MOS mgmt)

Revision history for this message
Maciej Kwiek (maciej-iai) wrote :

Please attach diagnostic snapshot.

Changed in fuel:
assignee: nobody → MOS Maintenance (mos-maintenance)
status: New → Incomplete
Revision history for this message
Serg Lystopad (slystopad) wrote :

I can't provide you diagnostic snapshot because master node fails to deploy.
I have terminated deployment manually right after fuelmenu failure (On 'Loading docker images').
After reboot I have manually run bootstrap_admin_node.sh and it outputs same trace as on screen-shots attached.

`ip addr` shows that eth0 and eth1 do not have ip address configured (I far as I understand it is expected because of fuelmenu failere)
ifcfg-eth0 contains default fuel configuration for PXE network ( etc.)
ifcfg-eth1 contains BOOTPROTO=dhcp

FYI: there is DHCP server up and running in VLAN to which eth1 is connected.

summary: - [Fuel menu][fuelmenu] fuelmenu crashes on first boot
+ [Fuel menu]fuelmenu crashes on first boot
tags: added: module-fuelmenu
Changed in fuel:
milestone: none → 8.0
milestone: 8.0 → 6.1-updates
importance: Undecided → High
Revision history for this message
Alexander Kislitsky (akislitsky) wrote :

Bug in state Incomplete since 09.03. Moving to Invalid. If you will reproduce it, please provide diagnostic snapshot and reopen the bug.

Changed in fuel:
status: Incomplete → Invalid
Revision history for this message
Ken Crandall (kcrandall) wrote :

This bug also happens in Fuel 7.0 if the 2nd interface is the PXE interface...

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