On January 9, 2011 04:05:32 am tmodes wrote: > It's only the first step. One step at a time. Thank you for helping me improve. > First you forgot to modify the paths (copy and > paste error). On Windows the translations are in \share\locale and not in > \share\hugin\data, on Linux in INSTALL_LOCALE_DIR and not in > INSTALL_DATA_DIR. Yes, the Linux path is an oversight. For the other systems I did not know where those paths are. Thank you for giving me the right value for Windows. I tried to search for the right path on OSX but I am not sure. Trying to infer from http://wiki.panotools.org/Hugin_translation_guide I would guess Contents/Resources but then I look at mac/localise-help.sh and get confused. So I left a TODO note in the code. > Second the name TranslateText is not approbiate. Better > would be InitTranslation or something similiar. OK, done. > Also add a short > documentation what the function do. Done. Extra bonus: I documented the function just above it that was left undocumented too ;-) I hope I did it right, if not feel free to correct me or improve the comments directly. > Also for Windows and MacOS some includes are missing. Sorry, I can't help with that. I don't have Windows nor MacOS so I don't know which are the missing includes. If Windows or MacOS builders can tell me which includes are missing, I will gladly add them. Even better: if you know what is missing, please add it. I left a TODO in the code. > In ImageCache.cpp you forgot to replace a second > call of bindtextdomain with the new function. Thanks for catching that. Fixed. > For nona you need to put InitTranslation in nonas main() procedure. I found it in src/tools/nona.cpp -- I hope my finding is right. And I also found plenty of strings that would need translation there too - I have not been over the src/tools folder yet (and will have to go through almost all folders and check for untranslated strings once localization is working properly). Should I also add InitTranslation in src/hugin1/nona_gui ? It seems to me a similar case to the image cache, with a wxApp that includes code from the non- wX side of the codebase, and that code contains strings? I was hoping I could call InitTranslation somewhere "higher up" in the hierarchy so as not to need to call it in every place individually, just add the include :( > The gettext tools are working on windows (there are binary releases, but > they are outdated). The gettext lib is completly broken on Windows with > MSVC. And this code would make Hugin dependent on the gettext lib, I am afraid? I found build instructions for another software that uses gettext at http://wl.widelands.org/wiki/BuildingWidelands/ Scroll down to "Building under MSVC" it says to download and install http://sourceforge.net/projects/gnuwin32/files/gettext/ can this download be added/"installed" inside the Hugin SDK? Is it possible / advisable to mix code built with MinGW and code built with MSVC? There do not seem to be many viable alternatives to gettext http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2185568/alternatives-to-gettext maybe http://cppcms.sourceforge.net/boost_locale/html/index.html one day... That's it for today. Next week is extremely busy, so don't worry if I don't reply to your feedback right away. It is very much appreciated. Yuv