make spirogram settings visible (wishlist)
Affects | Status | Importance | Assigned to | Milestone | |
Inkscape |
Unassigned |
Bug Description
Hi Friends,
After you make a 2nd spirogram, using Inkscape's Spirograph extension (which is awesome, btw) the settings for the first one are lost. Well, unless you have a good memory, I guess. But if it's one you made last week, or last year, the only way to get the settings back, is trial and error.
So I'm wondering if it would be possible, when you select a spirogram, if the settings could show up in the Spirograph dialog? This would be just like selecting any object, and looking in Fill and Stroke dialog, to see the hexcode for the color, or to learn the stroke width.
Or if it's not feasible for an extension dialog to have that kind of functionality, could that info be displayed somewhere? Like for example, could the extension also write it's settings on the canvas, when it displays the spirogram?
Thanks for listening :-)
tags: | added: extensions-plugins ui |
Changed in inkscape: | |
importance: | Undecided → Wishlist |
Hi Brynn,
Your feature request is already tracked in the blueprints section (see https:/ /blueprints. launchpad. net/inkscape/ +spec/extension s-presets).
The ability to save the settings within the object requires new specific attributes in the inkscape namespace, but would be very useful. We could then add a "Get from selection" line in the preset list after "Default" (see http:// wiki.inkscape. org/wiki/ index.php/ File:ExtensionP resetsDesign. png).