Activity log for bug #171983

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2007-11-27 04:51:34 Bug Importer bug Imported SF tracker item #1732741
2007-12-15 20:53:11 nightrow inkscape: importance Undecided Medium
2007-12-15 20:53:11 nightrow inkscape: status New Confirmed
2009-03-01 22:23:18 Halley bug added attachment 'repr-io-smart.patch' (optimize style="" attributes on save to reduce file size)
2009-03-02 03:08:03 Halley bug added attachment 'repr-io-smart.patch' (preference to force/drop default style="" parts in svg output)
2010-01-02 00:52:36 Jon A. Cruz tags saving saving svg
2010-01-02 07:03:52 Jon A. Cruz inkscape: status Confirmed In Progress
2010-01-02 09:34:59 Jon A. Cruz inkscape: status In Progress Confirmed
2010-03-20 10:23:51 Alex Valavanis bug watch added
2010-03-20 10:23:51 Alex Valavanis bug task added inkscape (Debian)
2010-03-20 10:24:05 Alex Valavanis bug task added inkscape (Ubuntu)
2010-03-20 10:24:16 Alex Valavanis inkscape (Ubuntu): status New Confirmed
2010-03-31 23:37:28 Bug Watch Updater inkscape (Debian): status Unknown Confirmed
2010-06-09 12:48:21 David Futcher tags saving svg patch-forwarded-upstream saving svg
2010-10-02 08:44:23 Alex Valavanis inkscape (Ubuntu): importance Undecided Low
2010-10-02 08:45:11 Alex Valavanis inkscape (Ubuntu): status Confirmed Triaged
2010-10-02 08:45:14 Alex Valavanis inkscape: status Confirmed Triaged