Comment 0 for bug 1656863

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Nisha Agarwal (agarwalnisha1980) wrote :

Enhance pxe_ilo driver to do inband inspection as well. The local_link_information can be retrieved only through inband as of now and ironic-inspector is able to get it. There are other capabilities as well which inspector can get but OOB doesn't get.

A config variable "oob_inspection_only" would be added under [ilo] section and the default value will be true. If the "oob_inspection_only" is set to true, pxe_ilo would do only OOB inspection. If it is set to False, then pxe_ilo would be able to do both OOB + inband inspection.

There is a RFE already existing for iLO drivers for the inband inspection support( But iscsi_ilo and agent_ilo requires vmedia support in inspector which requires the spec "Boot Management for inspector" spec( to be approved.