Analysis: ==========
As per the code nodec2 and nodec3 should have waited for nodec1(leader node) to be started first.
However they are already started before this step at
Which is due to the reason that the service.yml is included during configuration phase as we call contrailctl with all three tags (configure, service and provision) in
As per the code https:/ /github. com/Juniper/ contrail- ansible- internal/ blob/master/ playbooks/ roles/rabbitmq/ tasks/cluster. yml#L3 nodec2 and nodec3 should have waited for nodec1(leader node) to be started first.
However they are already started before this step at https:/ /github. com/Juniper/ contrail- ansible- internal/ blob/a87da7191e 8f010ef84a56e14 273923a34c88761 /playbooks/ roles/rabbitmq/ tasks/setup. yml#L12
Which is due to the reason that the service.yml is included during configuration phase as we call contrailctl with all three tags (configure, service and provision) in https:/ /github. com/Juniper/ contrail- ansible- internal/ blob/master/ playbooks/ roles/contrail/ config/ files/systemd/ contrail- ansible. service# L7