Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Zuul (<email address hidden>) Branch: R4.1
commit 9b33c4e1b4a62c9d323b3cd39b96ae6f52e1fba9 Author: bmadhu <email address hidden> Date: Thu Oct 5 18:55:44 2017 +0530
Fix for AAP entry not getting added to L2 table in L2 mode VN: In L2 mode VN,since L3 forwarding is disabled, VMI will not be in IPactive state, hence AAP add op was wrongly re computed to DEL op.
Change-Id: Ib1375a5a751855a1beb1aa32a6ef4ed2605b1fdf Closes-Bug: 1715561
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opencontrail. org/36413 github. com/Juniper/ contrail- controller/ commit/ 9b33c4e1b4a62c9 d323b3cd39b96ae 6f52e1fba9
Committed: http://
Submitter: Zuul (<email address hidden>)
Branch: R4.1
commit 9b33c4e1b4a62c9 d323b3cd39b96ae 6f52e1fba9
Author: bmadhu <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Oct 5 18:55:44 2017 +0530
Fix for AAP entry not getting added to L2 table in L2 mode VN:
In L2 mode VN,since L3 forwarding is disabled, VMI will not be in
IPactive state, hence AAP add op was wrongly re computed to DEL op.
Change-Id: Ib1375a5a751855 a1beb1aa32a6ef4 ed2605b1fdf
Closes-Bug: 1715561