kolla_upper_constraints_file empty and getting openstacksdk version incompatability error

Bug #2091280 reported by Ali Hussain
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone

Bug Description

seed and control host are ready but at deploy commabnd " kayobe seed service deploy". the following task failed. Looks like "kolla_upper_constraints_file" is empty. What would be the value for it?

TASK [ironic-inspector-rules : Ensure introspection rules exist] ************************************************************************************************************
failed: [seed] (item={'description': 'Set IPMI driver_info if no credentials', 'conditions': [{'field': 'node://driver_info.ipmi_username', 'op': 'is-empty'}, {'field': 'node://driver_info.ipmi_password', 'op': 'is-empty'}], 'actions': [{'action': 'set-attribute', 'path': 'driver_info/ipmi_username', 'value': ''}, {'action': 'set-attribute', 'path': 'driver_info/ipmi_password', 'value': ''}]}) => {"ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": false, "item": {"actions": [{"action": "set-attribute", "path": "driver_info/ipmi_username", "value": ""}, {"action": "set-attribute", "path": "driver_info/ipmi_password", "value": ""}], "conditions": [{"field": "node://driver_info.ipmi_username", "op": "is-empty"}, {"field": "node://driver_info.ipmi_password", "op": "is-empty"}], "description": "Set IPMI driver_info if no credentials"}, "msg": "Incompatible openstacksdk library found: Version MUST be >=0.36 and <=0.98.999, but 1.0.2 is larger than maximum version 0.98.999."}

i have fixed https://bugs.launchpad.net/kayobe/+bug/2059135 Conflicting openstacksdk_upper_constraints_file and pip_upper_constraints_file and yoga issue

Revision history for this message
Will Szumski (willjs) wrote :

Usual issue is that kayobe is picking up collections in one of the default search paths. We have a potential improvement for this: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kayobe/+/917762. Which version are you using? Could you try the patch and see if it helps?

Revision history for this message
Will Szumski (willjs) wrote :

And and did you you override and variables with constraints in the name?

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