Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: master
commit c51507323df494066505aeca78a69da735e0a484 Author: Guang Yee <email address hidden> Date: Tue Mar 12 23:56:50 2013 -0700
Fixes bug 1151747: broken XML translation for resource collections
Special-case "links" when converting a collection from JSON to XML and vice versa.
Change-Id: I7ab1f50c1da3ec389930c1bf45d498551c4cf954
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/24290 github. com/openstack/ keystone/ commit/ c51507323df4940 66505aeca78a69d a735e0a484
Committed: http://
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit c51507323df4940 66505aeca78a69d a735e0a484
Author: Guang Yee <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Mar 12 23:56:50 2013 -0700
Fixes bug 1151747: broken XML translation for resource collections
Special-case "links" when converting a collection from JSON to XML and
vice versa.
Change-Id: I7ab1f50c1da3ec 389930c1bf45d49 8551c4cf954