Comment 5 for bug 1842930

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Arthur Nikolayev (arthur-nik) wrote :

Morgan and Akihiro, thank you for your answers.

In this deployment I use Memcached to cache Keystone's Fernet tokens (default configuration). Also I configured default memcached option in Horizon: django.core.cache.backends.memcached.MemcachedCache (as it is suggested in the Stein's installation guide).

It would be great, if you could add some information about caching in docs.

Thank you for pointing the SESSION_TIMEOUT option. I was looking through Horizon options to mitigate this problem and thought about using it.

So is the default keystonemiddleware cache expiration time in such deployment equals to 300 sec? Although I can look up token's expiration time, issuing "openstack token issue" command.

If this is expected behavior, then I don't have any further questions)
Thank you.