Documentation: bare metal deployment of kolla with single network interface

Bug #1514227 reported by Ashish
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Won't Fix

Bug Description

Deploying developer edition of kolla on a bare metal machine requires atleast 2 network interfaces. Kolla deployment on a machine with single network interface needs a second virtual interface. Current documentation does not give details on how to create a virtual interface and subsequently make use of it in kolla deployment.

Tags: doc
Ashish (ashish-jain14)
Changed in kolla:
assignee: nobody → Ashish (ashish-jain14)
Steven Dake (sdake)
Changed in kolla:
status: New → Triaged
importance: Undecided → Critical
milestone: none → mitaka-1
Revision history for this message
Ashish (ashish-jain14) wrote :

My view about developer deployment of kolla on single NIC is that it should not be recommended. Specially when someone is trying to deploy directly on their laptop. Here are the reasons

1) You need a physical connection to the network as wifi cannot be used.
2) You need to have a static IP address of machine, which is really difficult if it is a laptop
3) As you move from one network to another your setup is not going to work
4) At times you may end up messing up with your machine network and hence it may not work at all
5) We are complicating the already complicated networking by creating bridges, veth-pair which would make it difficult to debug some of the issues/problems.

Instead of deploying kolla direcltly on a baremetal with a single NIC, the user should do the same on VM. The advantages are as follows

1) No need for physical connection to the network as wifi can be used
2) No need of static ip address for the host machine
3) The setup is network agnostic and hence will work on any networks
4) No impact on physical machine instead it just impacts the VM which can always be deleted/restored from a backup copy.
5) In a VM you can clearly define the network interfaces and hence it makes easier to understand an debug issues,

So in my opinion the documentation section for baremetal with single NIC should advice the user to use a VM instead of baremetal deployment.

Steven Dake (sdake)
Changed in kolla:
milestone: mitaka-1 → mitaka-2
Steven Dake (sdake)
Changed in kolla:
milestone: mitaka-2 → mitaka-3
Steven Dake (sdake)
Changed in kolla:
importance: Critical → Low
milestone: mitaka-3 → mitaka-rc1
Steven Dake (sdake)
Changed in kolla:
milestone: mitaka-rc1 → mitaka-rc2
Revision history for this message
Steven Dake (sdake) wrote :

docs wont be backported. moving to newton1.

Changed in kolla:
milestone: mitaka-rc2 → newton-1
Revision history for this message
Swapnil Kulkarni (coolsvap-deactivatedaccount) wrote :

Ashish, are you following up on adding the doc?

Changed in kolla:
assignee: Ashish (ashish-jain14) → nobody
milestone: newton-1 → newton-2
Changed in kolla:
milestone: newton-2 → newton-3
Changed in kolla:
assignee: nobody → Rahul Sharma (rahulsharmaait)
tags: added: doc
Changed in kolla:
milestone: newton-3 → newton-rc1
Changed in kolla:
milestone: newton-rc1 → occata-1
Revision history for this message
Yee-Ting Li (yee379) wrote :

i have nodes in production (not using kolla) using a single nic as my blade servers only have one actual network port. a bit of contention, but i'm using native openvswitch with a patch port rather than linuxbridge. i'm looking at replacing my existing setup with kolla and i would love to have this kolla support single nic bare metal hosts.

Changed in kolla:
milestone: ocata-1 → ocata-2
Changed in kolla:
assignee: Rahul Sharma (rahulsharmaait) → nobody
Ravindra Yadav (ravi4u)
Changed in kolla:
assignee: nobody → Ravindra Yadav (ravi4u)
Changed in kolla:
milestone: ocata-2 → ocata-3
Changed in kolla:
assignee: Ravindra Yadav (ravi4u) → nobody
importance: Low → Wishlist
summary: - Update Documentation for bare metal deployment of kolla with single
- network interface
+ Documentation: bare metal deployment of kolla with single network
+ interface
Changed in kolla:
assignee: nobody → Rahul Sharma (rahulsharmaait)
Revision history for this message
OpenStack Infra (hudson-openstack) wrote : Fix proposed to kolla (master)

Fix proposed to branch: master

Changed in kolla:
status: Triaged → In Progress
Changed in kolla:
milestone: ocata-3 → ocata-rc1
Changed in kolla:
milestone: ocata-rc1 → pike-1
Changed in kolla:
milestone: pike-2 → pike-3
Changed in kolla:
milestone: pike-3 → pike-rc1
Changed in kolla:
milestone: pike-rc1 → queens-1
Changed in kolla:
milestone: queens-2 → queens-3
Changed in kolla:
milestone: queens-3 → queens-rc1
Changed in kolla:
milestone: queens-rc1 → queens-rc2
Changed in kolla:
milestone: queens-rc2 → rocky-1
Changed in kolla:
milestone: rocky-2 → rocky-3
Revision history for this message
OpenStack Infra (hudson-openstack) wrote : Change abandoned on kolla (master)

Change abandoned by Mark Goddard (<email address hidden>) on branch: master
Reason: Very old

Changed in kolla:
status: In Progress → Triaged
assignee: Rahul Sharma (rahulsharmaait) → nobody
milestone: rocky-3 → none
affects: kolla → kolla-ansible
Revision history for this message
Adrian Andreias (adrian-fleio) wrote :

Is this still a valid point or should be closed as Won't Fix?

If it's a valid point, the original commit had only two lines added to Quick start,
so I think it won't make the Quick Start too long as a -1 comment says:

What do you think?

Revision history for this message
Radosław Piliszek (yoctozepto) wrote :

It seems valid. Maybe Kolla Ansible could also allow to skip the 2nd interface? (Though that would handicap the usefulness...)

Revision history for this message
Grzegorz Koper (koperg) wrote :

Kolla-ansible does not configure network stack.
Please refer to Kayobe

Changed in kolla-ansible:
status: Triaged → Won't Fix
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