Document the keyfile option to decrypt the passwords.yml

Bug #1538485 reported by OpenStack Infra
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Fix Released

Bug Description
Dear bug triager. This bug was created since a commit was marked with DOCIMPACT.
Your project "openstack/kolla" is set up so that we directly report the documentation bugs against it. If this needs changing, the docimpact-group option needs to be added for the project. You can ask the OpenStack infra team (#openstack-infra on freenode) for help if you need to.

commit 0f01d3ebc7c96265c1a8f304ad72ed5e773b2178
Author: Allen Gao <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Jan 20 22:02:20 2016 +0800

    Add the keyfile option to decrypt the passwords.yml

    The passed keyfile path is used to decrypt the passwords.yml
    which encrypted by the ansible vault.

    Partially-Implements: blueprint encrypt-sensitive-info
    Change-Id: Ifaebf464478cde99e896c13b375cfaf9282ee576

Tags: doc
Steven Dake (sdake)
Changed in kolla:
status: New → Confirmed
importance: Undecided → Low
milestone: none → mitaka-3
Prithiv (prithiv)
Changed in kolla:
assignee: nobody → Prithiv (prithiv)
Steven Dake (sdake)
Changed in kolla:
milestone: mitaka-3 → mitaka-rc1
Steven Dake (sdake)
Changed in kolla:
milestone: mitaka-rc1 → mitaka-rc2
Revision history for this message
Prithiv (prithiv) wrote :

sdake, any update on this ?

Revision history for this message
Steven Dake (sdake) wrote :


Not sure what update you would want from me - I didn't add the feature so I don't know how to document it ;) Your the assignee, if you can look at the patch in the mentioned commit and write documentation for master, it would be much appreciated.

Note since docs are not versioned, this won't be backported and is being moved to newton1.

Changed in kolla:
importance: Low → Wishlist
milestone: mitaka-rc2 → newton-1
Steven Dake (sdake)
tags: added: docimpact
removed: doc kolla
Steven Dake (sdake)
Changed in kolla:
milestone: newton-1 → newton-2
Changed in kolla:
milestone: newton-2 → newton-3
tags: added: doc
removed: docimpact
Changed in kolla:
milestone: newton-3 → newton-rc1
Changed in kolla:
milestone: newton-rc1 → occata-1
Changed in kolla:
milestone: ocata-1 → ocata-2
Changed in kolla:
milestone: ocata-2 → ocata-3
Revision history for this message
Christian Berendt (berendt) wrote :

Removed assignee, he is not working on this bug.

Changed in kolla:
assignee: Prithiv (prithiv) → nobody
Mark Goddard (mgoddard)
summary: - Add the keyfile option to decrypt the passwords.yml
+ Document the keyfile option to decrypt the passwords.yml
Changed in kolla:
milestone: ocata-3 → none
status: Confirmed → Triaged
affects: kolla → kolla-ansible
Grzegorz Koper (koperg)
Changed in kolla-ansible:
status: Triaged → Fix Released
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