commit 9ec00c24eb09bc7bc6ab533022f56837b7505253
Author: Mark Goddard <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Jun 27 12:17:17 2019 +0100
Fixes for MariaDB bootstrap and recovery
* Fix wsrep sequence number detection. Log message format is
'WSREP: Recovered position: <UUID>:<seqno>' but we were picking out
the UUID rather than the sequence number. This is as good as random.
* Add become: true to log file reading and removal since
I4a5ebcedaccb9261dbc958ec67e8077d7980e496 added become: true to the
'docker cp' command which creates it.
* Don't run handlers during recovery. If the config files change we
would end up restarting the cluster twice.
* Wait for wsrep recovery container completion (don't detach). This
avoids a potential race between wsrep recovery and the subsequent
* Finally, we now wait for the bootstrap host to report that it is in
an OPERATIONAL state. Without this we can see errors where the
MariaDB cluster is not ready when used by other services.
Change-Id: Iaf7862be1affab390f811fc485fd0eb6879fd583
Closes-Bug: #1834467
(cherry picked from commit 86f373a198620a7082db8e243644fd8d53802c73)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/669703 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ kolla-ansible/ commit/ ?id=9ec00c24eb0 9bc7bc6ab533022 f56837b7505253
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/queens
commit 9ec00c24eb09bc7 bc6ab533022f568 37b7505253
Author: Mark Goddard <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Jun 27 12:17:17 2019 +0100
Fixes for MariaDB bootstrap and recovery
* Fix wsrep sequence number detection. Log message format is
'WSREP: Recovered position: <UUID>:<seqno>' but we were picking out
the UUID rather than the sequence number. This is as good as random.
* Add become: true to log file reading and removal since accb9261dbc958e c67e8077d7980e4 96 added become: true to the
'docker cp' command which creates it.
* Don't run handlers during recovery. If the config files change we
would end up restarting the cluster twice.
* Wait for wsrep recovery container completion (don't detach). This stop_container' .
avoids a potential race between wsrep recovery and the subsequent
* Finally, we now wait for the bootstrap host to report that it is in
an OPERATIONAL state. Without this we can see errors where the
MariaDB cluster is not ready when used by other services.
Change-Id: Iaf7862be1affab 390f811fc485fd0 eb6879fd583 082db8e243644fd 8d53802c73)
Closes-Bug: #1834467
(cherry picked from commit 86f373a198620a7