commit 86eb21dd988b180d2dcbcc1c823c8c7c18672b59
Author: Mark Goddard <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Aug 22 16:30:56 2019 +0100
Don't assume etcd group exists in baremetal role
The baremetal role does not currently assume too much about the
inventory, and in kayobe the seed is deployed using a very minimal
Icf3f01516185afb7b9f642407b06a0204c36ecbe added a reference to the etcd
group in the baremetal role, which causes kayobe seed deployment to fail
with the following error:
AnsibleUndefinedVariable: 'dict object' has no attribute 'etcd'
This change defaults the group lookup to an empty list.
Change-Id: Ib3252143a97652c5cf70b56cbfd7c7ce69f93a55
Closes-Bug: #1841073
(cherry picked from commit 331d373b996d9e7b7f9e6d9a1fa48821ddf1d62b)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/678082 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ kolla-ansible/ commit/ ?id=86eb21dd988 b180d2dcbcc1c82 3c8c7c18672b59
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/stein
commit 86eb21dd988b180 d2dcbcc1c823c8c 7c18672b59
Author: Mark Goddard <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Aug 22 16:30:56 2019 +0100
Don't assume etcd group exists in baremetal role
The baremetal role does not currently assume too much about the
inventory, and in kayobe the seed is deployed using a very minimal
Icf3f015161 85afb7b9f642407 b06a0204c36ecbe added a reference to the etcd
group in the baremetal role, which causes kayobe seed deployment to fail
with the following error:
This change defaults the group lookup to an empty list.
Change-Id: Ib3252143a97652 c5cf70b56cbfd7c 7ce69f93a55 b7f9e6d9a1fa488 21ddf1d62b)
Closes-Bug: #1841073
(cherry picked from commit 331d373b996d9e7