text interface for [assigned|commented|subscribed|reported] bugs missing

Bug #181307 reported by Brian Murray
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Bug Helper
Fix Released
Markus Korn
Launchpad itself

Bug Description

There does not seem to be a +bugs-text test listing for bugs assigned to a person. For example I went to https://bugs.launchpad.net/~brian-murray/+assignedbugs/+bugs-text and found that it does not exist. I also tried https://bugs.launchpad.net/~brian-murray/+assignedbugs-text and that did not work either. I think having a text interface for all permutations of of https://bugs.launchapd.net/~username would be quite useful.

Tags: api lp-bugs
Revision history for this message
Brian Murray (brian-murray) wrote :

Once this exists python-launchpad-bugs will need to have support added for whatever the url for the text interface ends up being.

Revision history for this message
Brian Murray (brian-murray) wrote :

In the interim bughelper and python-launchpad-bugs could be more helpful when reporting an error. I received the following message with this query "bugnumbers -l "https://bugs.launchpad.net/~brian-murray/+assignedbugs":

Error while parsing '<launchpadbugs.basebuglistfilter.URLBugListFilter object at 0x13a7b90>': "'Page not found (url: https://bugs.launchpad.net/~brian-murray/+assignedbugs/+bugs-text)'".

I think informing the user to try --parsemode=html would be helpful.

Revision history for this message
Markus Korn (thekorn) wrote :

Hi Brian,
I think we should not change anything in py-lp-bugs. If py-lp-bugs is unable to parse a page it just raises an error and it is the job of the script using py-lp-bugs interpreting this error.

Working on a solution for bugnumbers


Changed in python-launchpad-bugs:
status: New → Invalid
Changed in bughelper:
assignee: nobody → thekorn
status: New → In Progress
Revision history for this message
Markus Korn (thekorn) wrote :

This patch against bughelper.main rev196 adds a clearer error-meesage and a hint to try "--parsemode=html" to bugnumbers.

$ python -W ignore bugnumbers -l "https://bugs.launchpad.net/~brian-murray/+assignedbugs"
Error while parsing 'https://bugs.launchpad.net/~brian-murray/+assignedbugs': "'Page not found (url: https://bugs.launchpad.net/~brian-murray/+assignedbugs/+bugs-text)'".
Please try using "--parsemode=html"


Changed in bughelper:
status: In Progress → Fix Committed
Revision history for this message
Brian Murray (brian-murray) wrote :

I've tested the patch and merged it with main. Thanks!

Changed in bughelper:
status: Fix Committed → Fix Released
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